What is Meta Conversions API? | Automotive Marketing Agency

Data-Driven Marketing in a Post-Cookie World

Digital advertising relies on data to deliver a personalized experience and getting the right message in front of the right audience at the right time. With an effective digital marketing strategy, businesses can find their prospective customers and engage existing ones with relevant content at various stages of the marketing lifecycle.

User data can paint a picture of who this customer is and where they are in their customer journey. Through machine learning, advertising algorithms determine whether a user is in the market for a specific product or service and serve them relevant ads. Delivering ads to the right users is only the first step, as the ultimate goal is to encourage those potential customers to take action. That’s precisely why the interactions and events that take place after a user clicks on an ad are vital information for advertisers. By measuring the traffic and conversions driven by our advertising efforts, businesses can analyze the effectiveness of their campaigns and make informed decisions about how to best allocate their marketing budget. 

With greater demand for data privacy, the digital landscape is forced to evolve – the  responsibility falls on advertising platforms like Google and Meta to adopt privacy-preserving technologies that protect user data while maintaining the integrity of their measurement tools for advertisers. 

Since the launch of Apple’s iOS14, which introduced the “ask app not to track” option by default, more users are opting out of cross-site tracking. Additionally, Google Chrome is rolling out Tracking Protection, which restricts third-party cookies by default. As third-party data becomes less reliable or disappears altogether, advertisers will have to rely on first-party data, which is where the Conversions API comes in.

What is the Conversions API?

Meta’s Conversions API (CAPI) is a measurement tool designed to improve your marketing efforts by creating a direct connection between your website and the Meta platform. 

If you are advertising on Meta, you likely already use the Meta Pixel to connect your website data to your ads. CAPI works in tandem with the Meta Pixel, and is installed on the server side rather than the browser – this is to prevent data loss that is associated with ad-blockers, cookie permissions and other privacy settings. Unlike the Pixel, which may be limited by these browser technologies, the Conversions API creates a more reliable connection, which can help you better optimize your Facebook ads. 

Why the Conversions API?

It’s not a question of if, but when, third-party data will disappear. Don’t wait until that day comes to shift course! Businesses who implement Conversions API now and make the transition to first-party data solutions will be better equipped for the cookie-less future of digital marketing. At PCG Digital, our specialists are committed to following each platform’s best practices and adopting the latest technologies to set our clients up for success. The Conversions API is part of our agency’s ongoing effort to push our industry forward and ensure that our partners are meeting the current standard.

What are the benefits?

According to a 2022 study, advertisers saw a 13% improvement in cost per result from implementing the Conversions API in addition to their Meta Pixel. Global advertisers who set up the Conversions API also measured a 19% lift in purchases attributed to their Meta ads.

Use both Conversions API and Meta Pixel to improve CPA


Looking to drive web conversions more efficiently? Meta’s research found advertisers that use the Conversions API for web events with Meta Pixel saw and average improvement of 13% in cost per result.

Source: Meta | Analysis of 28 global A/B experiments of direct, partner, or CAPI Gateway integrations between May to August 2022. Research findings do not guarantee future performance

Setting up Conversion API can increase purchases


Looking to drive web conversions more efficiently? Meta’s research found advertisers that use the Conversions API for web events with Meta Pixel saw and average improvement of 13% in cost per result.

Source: Analysis of Meta Internal data; median increase based on the number of conversions from both Conversions API and Pixel from March 1st to 11th, 2023. Research findings do not guarantee future results.

Setting up Conversion API can increase leads


Small businesses in Professional Services who set up the Conversion API in addition to the Meta Pixel saw an additional 17% lead conversions compared to only using the Pixel.

Source: Analysis of Meta internal date; median increase based on the number of conversions from both Conversions API and Pixel from March 1st to 14th, 2023. Research findings do not guarantee future results.

Early Results from PCG Digital

Since implementing the Conversions API in select client accounts, we have seen a lift in events measured firsthand.

Take a look at the graphs below. The line above shows the events sent by the server (Conversions API) while the below line is events received from the browser (Meta Pixel). Notice how many events would have gone unmeasured if we were using only the browser connection. Using the Conversions API in addition to the Meta Pixel allows us to measure a greater volume of total events and compare how many of these are from the browser versus the server.

Event: Page View

Timeline: March 7-14, 2024

Event: View Content

Timeline: March 7-14, 2024

The Takeaway

If you are solely relying on the Meta Pixel to measure your ad traffic, you are likely missing a huge piece of the puzzle. Your ads could be driving more results that go unaccounted for because this third-party data is being trapped at the browser level. The Conversions API is the best solution for recapturing much of that data that was previously lost.

How to Get Started

If our evidence has convinced you to implement the Conversions API, let’s get started!

There are three methods for setting up the Conversions API:


Conversions API Gateway

This is a self-serve method that is set up through Events Manager using a third-party host. There is no coding required but requires a cloud server provider.

Note: This is the method recommended for agencies because it supports the configuration of accounts at scale. Contact PCG Digital to get started with the CAPI Gateway. Or if you plan to set this up internally for your business, take a look at options 2 and 3.


Partner Integration

No coding required, this method is set up via your website platform. Check to see if your website platform is one of Meta’s partner platforms.


Direct Integration

This is a self-serve method that is set up through Events Manager using a third-party host. There is no coding required but requires a cloud server provider.

You can refer to this guide to compare the setup methods:

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Next Steps

If you are ready to integrate the Conversions API into your business, PCG Digital can help you get started. As a Meta Business Partner, our agency has a dedicated support team at Meta offering guidance on the proper setup of CAPI. Our Meta Blueprint-Certified social media specialists will work closely with your developer or website provider to ensure your Conversions API is set up for success.


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Picture of Chloe McGinley
Chloe McGinley
Chloe is a Social Media Specialist at PCG Digital. She is a digital storyteller with a passion for helping businesses cultivate their unique brand identity and connect with their community using the power of social media. In her free time, she enjoys volunteering at her local animal shelter and being outdoors.

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