PCG Digital x Automotive Standards Council

GA4 Startup Guide for Group One Websites

Follow these steps for websites provided by AutoSync, Dealer Inspire, Dealer On, Dealer eProcess, FlexDealer, Sokal Media, or Team Velocity. 

Let’s Get Started

Table of Contents
Step One

Administrative Access

Send an email to your website provider with a list of contacts that need administrative access to your GA4 property. This would include your staff and any marketing partners (i.e. your Google agency)

A. Admin Access Example Email

Below we’ve included an example email that you can copy to clipboard for convenience:

Hello [Provider Point-of-Contact],

Please send me the measurement ID for the GA4 account that you created for my website. Please add my email and the PCG Digital email as the Administrator. Please also add the following other people with view access: sem2@pcgcompanies.com, [include other emails here].

Thank you!

B. Coordinate ASC Event Setup with Your Website Vendors

When you have the measurement ID from your website company, inform all your vendors that they need to send ASC events into this measurement ID. The vendors you should send the email to must be all the software companies on your website, including:

  • Digital retailing companies
  • Chat companies
  • SMS companies
  • Coupon/Incentive companies
  • Trade-in tools
  • Service schedulers
  • Finance/Credit application tools
  • Call tracking / DNI companies

C. Event Setup Request Example Email

Below we’ve included an example email that you can copy to clipboard for convenience:

Hello [Vendor Point-of-Contact],

Please send all ASC events for your software into this measurement ID: ___________ which was created by my website company. You should be able to send ASC events using the asc_datalayer service. If you do not support the asc_datalayer, we can create a secret key to utilize with the GA4 API.

Thank you!

Step Two

Secret Key API Creation

Every software vendor that is attached to your dealership website should be supporting the ASC Specification, and dealers must make sure that they are sending ASC events properly into their accounts. If the vendor DOES NOT support the asc_datalayer, they can send events using the GA4 API. In order for companies to use the Google API, they will need you to create a secret API key.

Here are the steps to create the secret key for each vendor on your website:

Step 01

Click on the Admin gear in the bottom left corner

Step 02

Click on Data Streams as shown in image

Step 03

Click on the data stream for your dealership website, as shown in image

Step 04

Click on the menu choice called “Measurement Protocol API Secrets,” as shown in image. The first time you click here, you will be asked to “review terms” to approve the creation of API keys, so do that.

Step 05

Click on Create, as shown in image

Step 06

Put in the vendor name for each secret key, one at a time. Here is the first one for CarNow

Step 07

Click on the blue Create button

Step 08

A secret key will be generated, in image. This is the key you would send to each vendor, along with your Measurement ID.

Step Three

Vendor Event Tracking

Dealership managers should send an email to each company that resides on their website, so that every click, hover, swipe, and outcome are sent into the proper GA4 account(s). 

A. Vendor Event Tracking Example Email

The support ticket email can look like this:

Hello [Vendor Point-of-Contact],

Please make sure that you are sending ASC events for [www.yourdealership.com] into my GA4 account with Measurement ID G-257JLST100. Please use this Secret API key to securely send data into this account: [______].

Please let me know when this is completed so I can check to see that ASC events are flowing properly.

Thank you!

Step Four

Dimension Creation

Create the 30+ custom dimensions based on the ASC specification. The recommended dimensions are:

  • affiliation
  • comm_outcome
  • comm_status
  • comm_type
  • currency
  • department
  • element_text
  • element_type
  • element_value
  • event_action
  • event_action_result
  • event_owner
  • event_owner
  • flow_outcome
  • form_name
  • form_type
  • item_category
  • item_color
  • item_condition
  • item_fuel_type
  • item_id
  • item_make
  • item_model
  • item_number
  • item_payment
  • item_price
  • item_type
  • item_variant
  • item_year
  • media_type
  • page_location
  • page_type
  • product_name
  • promotion_name

Having Trouble or Have Questions?

Contact our team and we’ll review your challenge to see if we can provide support