Never Start From Zero Again | Automotive Marketing Agency


PCG’s Commitment to Long-Term Client Success

When your dealership switches marketing agencies, you typically lose ownership of the data and audiences created over time, with any strategic marketing materials becoming property of the vendor you’ve hired. 

Turning to a new agency takes you back to the drawing board, prompting a lengthy process where a marketing specialist implements a campaign to understand audiences and trends. This several-week endeavor prevents you from reaching your key audience and obtaining results in a timely manner.

Never Start From Zero Again:

PCG Digital’s Commitment to Long-Term Client Success

When your dealership switches marketing agencies, you typically lose ownership of the data and audiences created over time, with any strategic marketing materials becoming property of the vendor you’ve hired. 

Turning to a new agency takes you back to the drawing board, prompting a lengthy process where a marketing specialist implements a campaign to understand audiences and trends. This several-week endeavor prevents you from reaching your key audience and obtaining results in a timely manner.

Invest in Your Dealership and Own Your Client Data

PCG Digital is the first agency to provide a structure where the dealer owns their data, resources and technology, so if you ever need to move on, you’d never start from zero again

We set your dealership up for long-term success by putting data ownership into your hands immediately, collaborating with vendors who follow our model and working alongside your marketing team to form a true partnership. When you choose PCG Digital, the complete ownership of your data allows for a seamless transfer whenever you need it, and the long-term success of your dealership.

You Own The Data, We Put it To Work

Data is your number one source for each customer’s journey – don’t lose it! Fill out the form to learn how to take ownership of your data, and never start from zero again!

Revitalize Your Strategy with a FREE Digital Marketing Analysis

The specialists at PCG Digital will evaluate your dealerships SEO, SEM and Social marketing to ensure a success-driven approach