3 Video Ideas for Social Media Advertising - PCG Digital

Video is a great way to engage with your audience on social media! Videos can be used for organic social media, paid social advertising or even pre-roll on Youtube. Yet, coming up with ideas for videos and production can often seem overwhelming for car dealerships. While big production teams are great for producing videos, dealerships can also use a high quality phone camera and editing software to help them produce videos for their digital marketing strategy that will help increase engagement on social media. 

car dealership

Below are three video ideas to help car dealerships implement video into their strategy.

New Model Videos

New model videos are a great way to create awareness of new cars on the lot. These videos can be walkarounds showing the new features of these models or an employee at the dealership explaining why this new vehicle should be your next purchase. What is great about new model videos is they can be filmed in house with a phone camera when you don’t have a full video production team. These videos can be posted on social media for organic purposes and used in paid advertising to create hype around new vehicles.

Service Department Videos

Does your service department have the best team or offer great specials for oil changes, tires, brakes and more? Showcase them in video! These videos can be simple “how-to” videos to help the user see how the service department does tire rotations or the videos can be a walk through of the service department to show what makes the department different. Service videos are evergreen and can be used when the dealership is trying to increase service department traffic. 

Special Event Videos

Does your dealership do a big clearance event or sponsor a local charity event? Creating videos that highlight special events will be more engaging to customers than static images for the event. These videos can be made prior to the event or after the event for a recap to show the success of the event. Including employees, customers (if they choose to be in the video) and owners is a great way to humanize the dealership. 

To learn more about Social Media Advertising, feel free to contact PCG Digital for any questions!

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