Best Practices For Social Media During the COVID-19 Outbreak | PCG Digital

While we are currently facing unfamiliar territory, we cannot remain in the mindset of being negative about the situation. We must accept it for it is: a new challenge. It’s essential we accept this for what it is and find new measures to deal with it strategically, as well as creatively.

Utilizing social media is a great avenue to alert your consumers what your business is doing during this outbreak. One of the first things individuals check is your website and your social media channels. Additionally, people are still shopping; specifically, shopping online! You can still highlight your products and services if they are still being offered by posting about it organically and using Facebook advertisements. 

  1. Facebook Cover Photo/ Pinned Posts: 2 out of 3 people visit a business’ Facebook page. Whatever the status of your business is, it’s important to post that and let it be one of the first things people see when they are on your page. A simple graphic that can catch the consumer’s attention alerting them of store times and what services are available is crucial. Are new processes being followed at your business such as screenings of customers? Create a post and pin that to your Facebook page. Are you offering any services that can be brought to their home? Let them know that too via your website and eye-catching posts/Facebook ads. 
  2. Overcommunication is key: Lack of information leads people to feel anxious and unsure of what to expect. That’s why it’s best to communicate as much as possible with your followers and customers. Besides being open, what special offers are happening at your business? Showcase your new processes to keep your store clean! Create Facebook posts highlighting your products. If you are one of the businesses that are not open and not sure when you will be open again, let your customers know that. It’s ok not to have an answer. This situation is continuously evolving. Make sure you are operating on Facebook, Instagram, email blasts, and even consider creating a page on your website that can address FAQs. 
  3. Events Getting Cancelled At Your Dealership? Consider Alternate Routes: It can be disappointing to see your events getting canceled because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Look at potential methods to get around this: Facebook Live and Instagram Live! Have an expert ready to speak about something at your business. Reveal a new product that was about to launch using one of those live methods. Talk about it on your social channels to bring awareness. If it’s one of those events you can only experience in person, then keep your audience updated when it will be rescheduled. 
  4. Be available on Facebook/Instagram Messenger: Facebook statistics conclude that 58% of people feel more confident messaging a business than filling out a form on a website, as well as 55% of people feel more confident messaging than emailing a business. Make sure you remain on top of your messengers! People will come with questions about your availability, your hours, products, etc. Ensure you are there for them. 

While we cannot control the circumstances, we can absolutely control how we respond to them. Be proactive and take charge of the situation. Finally, remind your customers and potential clients: you are there for them. In these uneasy times, let them be comforted that you are ready to help in any way you can!

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