Are you Fully Optimizing your YouTube Videos? - PCG Digital

Watching a video is easier than reading pages of information, which is why businesses are creating videos for consumers. Whether it is to learn about a product, educate yourself, or for entertainment purposes, videos are important for all types of businesses.

So, you made a video for your business and uploaded it to YouTube, now what? YouTube optimization is just as important as your onsite optimization. Just like your website, YouTube videos do rank in search and sometimes even rank on the first page of Google SERPs.

There are three important fields that need to be optimized:

Optimized Title

After uploading a video, it is important that it gets an optimized title. When doing so, you want to ensure that there is a keyword. When including this keyword, you want to make sure that it is naturally included and not forced. A great example is a video about organizing your closet, titled ‘How to Efficiently Organize Your Closet.” This is a brief and keyword-focused title explaining what it is going to be about.


It is also common that videos get uploaded and have no description. It is important to include a description with relevant keywords and areas you feel need to be targeted. The length of a video will dictate how long the description should be. It should then align with the content that is presented while watching and listening to a video. If the video is about “How to Organize Your Closet,” you want to make sure that the description captures this so that the viewer can see what they are going to learn from the video. By doing this, you are optimizing your video for YouTube and Google.


When adding tags to your video, keep them relevant to what a video is about. This allows YouTube to associate your video with similar videos, which then helps your content reach a broader audience.  It is important not to use tags that are irrelevant to your video thinking it will get you more views. This can hurt your video in Google’s eyes and even result in a penalty. If your video is about, “ How To Organize Your Closet,” you are going to want tags that coincide with this topic. Keep your tags relevant!

Remember YouTube videos do rank in search and sometimes even rank on the first page of Google SERPs, so get those videos optimized today!

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