The Power of Social Media Stories - PCG Digital

Chances are if you use Facebook or Instagram, you’ve probably seen the “stories” option that appears at the top of your feed. Stories are a powerful way to increase your presence on social media. Stories are posts that appear on your Facebook or Instagram for just 24 hours and automatically remove themselves after the allotted time.

Stories have become very popular in the last couple of years. Why is that?

Stories allow for more creative freedom and power than a typical feed post. With Facebook and Instagram being saturated markets, businesses can’t afford to not use stories as a part of their social strategy. Many feed posts are lost on user’s feeds due to algorithms set in place, yet stories appear at the top of user’s feeds and allow your voice to be heard even if your posts aren’t being seen.

Stories help promote brand awareness and increase engagement on social channels. Stories allow brands and businesses to share more about themselves and their products than a single feed post. This helps followers engage and feel more connected to a brand!

As stories become more popular, the creative options have increased. Now you can post live videos, quizzes, polls, questions, countdowns and more. There are even third party apps that allow photos to be edited and stylized for stories to fit a brand’s creative aesthetics.

With more options to show your brand’s creativity, now is the perfect time to start incorporating stories into your social strategy. Testing out different creative options are a great way to start using stories because they aren’t a permanent part of your social platform. The creative freedoms are endless with stories and are a great asset to your social strategy!



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