Utilizing Content Calendars To Maximize Your Social Media Strategy - PCG Digital

Have you sat down and looked at how many social platforms your business is currently on? There is Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Youtube, just to name a few. With a variety of platforms, there is also a variety of content and strategies that are involved. Utilizing content calendars is a great way to maximize your social media strategy and stay organized!

What Is A Content Calendar?

A content calendar is a spreadsheet or document created by businesses to organize content by social platform and date. Content calendars can be as simple as a calendar spreadsheet that is used to organize what content you will be posting on which day of the month. They help make organic social media less daunting and more organized for the members of your team and your clients.

How Do I Create A Content Calendar?

What are the steps to creating a content calendar? 

  1. You have two options for formatting your content calendar–one large calendar that is color coded by social media platform, or one separate calendar for each platform.
  2. Brainstorm monthly content for each platform and how the content will be executed. Work with your business’s teams to create graphics, deciding content messaging, call to actions and links. 
  3. Fill out your monthly content calendar to help create consistency and keep your team members in the loop. Even those not on the social media team can reference your calendar to easily find out what messages the company is pushing out to the public. Content calendars help simplify your strategy to make sure you’re delivering the right message at the right time to your audiences.

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