Why You Need to Give Your Agency Video Content - PCG Digital

If you are looking to boost your audience engagement, there is no better way then adding video content to your agency. Not only is video content proven to boost user retention it can also beef up your existing pages, add visual appeal to your content and website, help with SEO practices, add visual reference to your content, and so much more

Simply put, if you are looking for a spike in engagement, the way to achieve this is through video. Here’s three reasons how video can help your agency and boost audience engagement and retention.

Video Helps Tell A Story

Writing content without any visual cues can only get you so far. Yes, explaining to your customer what they are looking for is a good start and provides necessary information. But, going the extra mile for your audience is also a major selling point for your products and services. Video can achieve this by telling a visual story to assist with the already in depth content you are providing.

Video Increases User Engagement

If your agency is having an issue with user engagement and retention, then video is a great way to help boost your audience views. A video is a much catchier way to keep a users attention, give information in a fast and convenient format, and also helps get your point across even more.

Fewer people nowadays have time to read a whole article in our fast paced world, a video will ensure the user retains the information better and can engage future customers who may not otherwise be interested. Providing additional information in video format will also help add visual reference to your content and help boost Search Engine Optimization.

Video Can Help Your Audience Know Your Brand Better

In a world where people connect with one another better through additional contact, videos help a user know your brand better and trust your company as a whole. Putting a face, or visual content, to a written piece helps a person identify with your point and can help in future sales and business.

If you’re ready to boost your name brand recognition and engage users with video content, contact us to learn more about partnering with PCG Digital. Let us help you with our Campaign Accelerators add/on service to boost audience engagement with video content.

Picture of Laura Dengrove
Laura Dengrove
Laura is a Content Specialist. She loves that PCG allows her to be creative and help create a voice for brands that really speaks to their audience. When Laura isn't working on blogs or custom content, she's still by her computer writing film and television reviews, bingeing the latest Marvel content, or hanging out with her family and friends at the latest trendy spot.

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