3 New Facebook Updates For Vehicle Inventory | Social Media Advertising

Recently, Facebook announced three new offerings that will make it easier for automotive dealerships to display and promote their vehicle inventory across the platform. 

While Facebook is constantly rolling out new tools for paid advertising, this next update offers an opportunity to boost the organic side of automotive marketing. With the addition of the “Vehicles” tab, dealerships can showcase their complete inventory on their Facebook Page.

Even better, customers can begin their car-buying journey without ever leaving Facebook.

In recent years Facebook has established itself as a true e-commerce platform, and each update is indicative of a continued shift toward providing a more seamless shopping experience for users. Auto Inventory Ads, on-Facebook VDPs, and the Vehicle tab for Facebook Pages are just the latest examples of the platform’s solutions for automotive marketers. 

These 3 updates are now available to all US-based dealership Facebook Pages:

  1. All- new “Manage Inventory” tab 
  2. A simplified process for setting up automotive inventory ads (AIA)
  3. All- new “Vehicles” tab to showcase your full vehicle inventory on your dealership Facebook Page

How To Use Facebook’s New Features

Auto Inventory Ads (AIA) are an effective way for dealers to promote their inventory to in-market car buyers, showing the right vehicle to the right person at the right time. Facebook’s latest update will streamline the AIA set-up process allowing dealers to create campaigns with just a  few simple clicks. 

Under the all-new “Manage Inventory” tab, dealers will now have the ability to create, manage, and promote vehicle listings all in one place. Dealers  can now also measure the performance of each listing through clicks, content views, leads, and other metrics.

These can easily be created in Ads Manager or directly from the dealership’s Facebook Page: 

  • Under the “Manage Inventory” tab, dealers can promote an existing catalog, or create a new one. 
  • Once a catalog is selected, the ad template is automatically populated with information from the Vehicle Detail Pages (VDP) . No need to manually upload each vehicle image, description, and landing page! 
  • While this information is pre-filled, the rest of the ad template is fully customizable. Simply input the ad copy with the messaging you want to display above each vehicle listing and select a call-to-action button, it’s that easy!

To learn more about how to manipulate and take advantage of all that Facebook has to offer your dealership, check out all that PCG has to offer.

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