4 Most Important SEO Tips for Video Marketing - PCG Digital

How’s your video marketing coming along? Do you have a strategy in place to capitalize on all of what YouTube has to offer? 94% of marketers find video marketing to be a key component in their marketing strategy, allowing their business to gain more exposure and connect with current and potential customers. But that’s not all…

Utilizing YouTube and implementing a video marketing strategy has the ability to enhance your SEO, build your brand awareness and traffic, amplify your social reach, and improve your ROI and time spent on site. To get the results you are looking for, try executing these 4 most important SEO tips into your video marketing strategies.

What if I were to tell you there are more benefits to creating video transcripts than just subtitles and closed captions? Not only does transcribing your content help your audience better understand your videos, but it also helps fuel search engine results. YouTube even makes it super easy to sync your transcript with your audio, helping Google crawl and locate specific keywords.

Video thumbnails are the first thing searchers see once your video is indexed, therefore, making it very important to be attractive, relevant, and worthy of a click. Do NOT let your thumbnail be auto-selected by YouTube, as it could end up being an unfavorable still-frame or an image that’s unrecognizable to a viewer searching for your content. It’s worthwhile to choose a freeze-frame that best represents your content to improve visibility and traffic on search engine results pages.

Just like you would optimize a page with a suitable meta title and description, the same applies for videos as well as titles and descriptions display in video searches. Search engines, such as Google or Bing, assess metadata to better understand what the video is about. When the meta title and descriptions are optimized with well-researched SEO keywords, you are increasing your chances of driving more traffic and ranking higher in search results. As always, optimize your metadata to be relevant and applicable, include targeting keywords that match user intent, and urges people to click on your content.

YouTube provides a variety of ways you can build links. Links not only bridge the gap between two sites, but they also can improve your ranking based on authority and credibility. Building links have the ability to drive targeted traffic to your website, especially links in the description box. When viewers go to like, share, or leave a comment, the link to the website is strategically placed to grab their attention and send them to the page that’s most relevant.

our team can help

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any SEO or Video Marketing related questions. We are always here to help!

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