4 Quick Tips For Writing Effective PPC Ad Copy - PCG Digital

Reaching into your cabinet, you find your favorite spoon, still stained from the previous day with an all-too-familiar amber hue.

A heaping tablespoon of coffee grind is needed to help you accomplish today’s task.

You’re about to write ad copy.

Writing ad copy in a PPC campaign can be the simplest part of running ads when done correctly. Although on the surface it may seem like the least analytical part, it’s strongly advisable to search for your competitors, and see what copy is already effective. If you try to reinvent the wheel too often, you’ll be left scratching your head, wondering why your ads are not converting.

Sit back, stretch those legs, and let that afternoon coffee cool down.

Here are a couple quick tips to improve your ad copy.

Be Concise. Be Specific.

While you may be tempted to add lavish words to your title and description, having your customer perform mental gymnastics is going to be counterproductive.

Get to the point.

With a limit to how many characters you can input into your ads, you’re going to want to let the consumer know exactly what you are offering, and what makes your offer special.

This can be as simple as mentioning to the consumer in your ad copy that the shampoo you offer is not tested on animals. This will enable you to differentiate from your competition.

Use Extensions

Because the restriction in characters makes ads small, if utilized correctly, extensions will beef up your ad and make it more likely to be seen by the consumer.

Add as many extensions as you can, while still remaining relevant to the original search term.

If you are scrolling through the internet, your eyes are naturally going to be drawn to objects that are larger, especially in an environment like Google where they are continually trying to condense and achieve a more aesthetic look to their website.

Don’t Be Afraid to Use Pen & Paper

In this day and age we are completely connected to the cloud, and whether it’s reminding ourselves of an important task or conjuring up a to-do list, seldom is this information written down anymore.

Though whitespace on a piece of paper can seem like an artifact of the past it can be a great way to get started or get you out of a rut if you’re stuck. Jotting down a couple quick ideas and brainstorming on a piece of paper can really get those creative juices flowing.


Buy Now, Shop With Us, Call Us Today…

It doesn’t matter how you phrase it, but it is extremely crucial to end your ad copy with a call-to-action.

This helps the consumer take the next step by creating motivation and a sense of urgency, and is often preferred (whether they know it or not).

You don’t want the consumer to read through your ad and say, “that’s nice” and proceed to keep scrolling. You want the consumer to click on your ad, and encouraging them even the slightest bit at the end of your copy will help improve your click-through rate.

Leaning back in your chair, you decide to power down for the day. You’ve finished writing your ad copy, hopefully with some coffee to spare.

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