5 Ad Creatives Dealerships Won’t Want To Miss - PCG Digital

When it comes to utilizing Facebook Ads Manager, your ad creative is the bread and butter of a successful campaign. Traditionally, dealers tend to stick with single image or standard video. In a world where people spend an average of six hours a day on social media, dealers who aren’t creating “thumb stopping” creative are already putting themselves at a disadvantage. Making sure your ad creative is unique and speaks to your dealerships brand voice is crucial for an overall successful Facebook campaign. Your audience needs to be WOW’d!

Never give your audience mediocre creative again and get your juices flowing with these five ad creative ideas!

Engaging Video

Bring your dealership to life with engaging video. Users are more likely to engage and share a video than they are with a single image. It provides a great opportunity to educate an audience on a new model, your service center, or letting the community learn more about your dealership. Get creative and stay true to your dealership’s brand voice!

PRO TIP: Have a drone? Drone videos make phenomenal brand awareness ads, and allow users to see your dealership from every angle.

An Enticing Contest

Platforms like Shortstack allow dealerships to create contests and then advertise them through Facebook Ads Manager. Contests can serve as a fun, engaging ad as well as a brand awareness campaign for the dealership. Some fun contest ideas can include a free oil change, free tire rotation, a gas gift card with a test drive, or a community event ticket give-away! Use a contest as a way to get qualified shoppers to visit your dealership and frame your brand in a positive light. Take the contest a step further by retargeting everyone who entered your contest in a future campaign.

Meet The Team

Qualified shoppers are more likely to visit your dealership if they feel a connection to you outside of the sales process. By creating a “Meet The Team” campaign, you will be able to show off your incredible staff. This will also give shoppers a chance to humanize your dealership, and feel an extra level of comfort when coming to visit. A “Meet The Team” campaign can be done with video, an enticing image, or a fun scroll through carousel. Get creative and represent your staff the best way you can!

Create & Share Events

Community involvement is important when branding your dealership. You want to give shoppers a reason to choose you over the dealership down the road, and often this decision comes down to factor other than just your price.. Holding community events during the holidays like Trunk-Or-Treats, food donations, or fun events like a free car wash will get those shoppers in the door and have them talking to their network. By making these events on Facebook and advertising them through Ads Manager, you will be able to let your community know about your dealership event while also giving users a fun ad to engage with and share! It’s a win win!

A “Flow Through” Carousel

Carousels are a great Facebook ad creative format that goes beyond the typical single image. Creating carousels that “flow” through each card will engage with users and make them want to scroll through your ad. These formats are also more likely to be shared and engaged with than a single image. Use this format to showcase your new model lineup, the exterior or interior of a specific model, or different service specials you are offering for the month!

By incorporating these five ad creative formats into your social media marketing strategy, you will be sure to see more traffic to your website, engagement on your ads, and potentially qualified shoppers coming through your door!

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