5 Best SEO Practices to Include in Your Content in 2019 - PCG Digital

As we welcome 2019, it’s a good idea to reflect on the changes that happened in the previous year that brought us to where we are today. When it comes to marketing, there were certainly many changes in the objectives of writing successful content that could predict future trends for this year.

Since we’re now marketing in a time where SEO and content marketing go hand in hand, if you want to drive success from the search engines you need to create great content. You also need a good strategy to promote content. Google created many search algorithm updates this year that kept us on our toes when developing pages and blog entries that target our key audience. Some of these updates happened seemingly overnight, while others were lengthy changes that took place incrementally.

Staying up-to-date with the latest SEO trends allows you to craft content to get the traffic and the conversions you want. Need a refresher on what 2018 brought us for best practices in SEO content? Here are five of some of the important changes you need to know to start the year off with success in your SEO marketing plan.

  1. Mobile First Changes

In 2018, there was a shift in focus to the mobile user experience. There was the introduction of the mobile-first index and the mobile speed update, which means usage of the mobile versions of web pages for ranking and indexing to help mobile users find what they’re looking for. Loading speed for mobile pages is being increasingly used to determine the relevance of a page. We also see changes like meta description lengths shortening from 300+ to 150 or so characters, and sites that adhere to the new rules should see a much better crawling ranking.

  1. Consider Beyond Google

While Google dominates the search world, 2019 might be the year where SEO specialists need to take into account other search engines like Amazon and Youtube. Since SEO is about appearing wherever people are searching, one must learn how to drive traffic for the secondary websites that don’t have as much traction as Google.

  1. Create Deep, Exceptional Content

Google algorithm updates this past year revealed that Google is focusing on evaluating content quality in addition to the depth and breadth of a website’s content. Content that goes in-depth with quality content coverage will rank highly. A good rule of thumb is to be a solution to what people need and provide something meant for people, rather than strictly focusing on the SEO aspect.

  1. Create Trustworthy, Authentic Content

Another trend in 2019 in SEO will be creating valuable content that consumers can trust. To rank high as an authority on a piece of content, you can hire credible experts on your subject to lend some expertise to your website. Cite any research and supporting facts included on your website to differentiate yourself as a knowledgeable source, and create an “About” page which is key for further establishing reputation.

  1. On-Page Optimization

In 2019, on-page optimization is predicted to continue to be important. While links make an impact, on-page optimization offers the most to those who want to drive traffic to their individual website because it constantly needs monitoring and refreshing. Some helpful tools include the use of chatbots to lighten the load for common questions and procedural tasks; ensuring that repeat customers can easily restock commonly purchased items, and adding content that answers common user questions.

Already we are seeing new SEO trends with the addition of new mediums of technology, including machine learning and voice search. We’ve only scratched the surface on all that’s to come, but as long as you stay attentive to what and how your audience is searching, you’ll be prepared to rock SEO content in 2019!


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