5 Ways to Find Blog Ideas When You’re Stuck - PCG Digital

If you’re eager to create popular blogs that will garner plenty of traffic from Google and other social networks, it is imperative that you create a steady stream of interesting, unique, and compelling blog posts. If you hit the ground running at the beginning of your blogging journey, you may begin to feel a little sapped for inspiration. 

But not to worry! There are plenty of sources from which you can draw inspiration. No matter what you’re writing about, the well of blog topics will never run dry. There are always new ideas, new developments, and new perspectives to be found – you just have to know where to look. Luckily, you can find five ways to find blog ideas when you’re feeling stuck below. 

Curating Your Favorite Blog Posts

When I want to write, I start by reading. Gather ten of your favorite blog posts on the topic you’re writing about to look back on when you feel you’re lacking the drive to write and let those creative juices flow.

Twitter is Your Friend 

Twitter is a great place to find information from professionals and experts on the topic you’re planning on writing about. Follow 25 to 50 people on Twitter that are active tweeters about your topic. Not only will you keep the ideas coming, but you’ll also draw attention to influencers in your industry, your colleagues, and friends that are sharing valuable content. 

Create a Helpful Resource 

Create a post, infographic, or video that your audience will find useful. This is a valuable web asset that will undoubtedly drive traffic to your blog. For example, if you’re in the business of helping automotive dealers take pictures of their inventory, you can create an infographic centered around vehicle photography tips. 

Consider a Case Study

Case studies are an excellent way to connect with your audience. They provide valuable information on what works and what doesn’t. You can write about a particular success or failure you’ve encountered in your niche or cover an experiment that you’re testing with your audience. 

Analyze Google Trends

Research what’s trending right now! If you know what people are searching for, you can write something perfectly catered to their queries and interests. You’ll be on the first page of Google in no time at all.

There you have it! Armed with these tips, you’ll always be able to find the inspiration you need to get the blog ball rolling. Now get writing!

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