Business Benefits for Utilizing Google My Business - PCG Digital

If you own a business and have not heard of Google My Business or are not using Google My Business, why not? Google My Business is not only free, but has many benefits for businesses of all sizes.

GMB helps businesses manage how their information is seen across Google and helps tell your business’s story.

Managing Your Information

One of the best benefits of GMB is that you can manage all your information in the listing. Your business profile allows you to show where you are located by address and how it appears on Google Maps, making it easier for potential customers to get to your business. Within the business profile you can add categories, pictures, and update your business hours. All of these will help potential and returning customers learn more about your business or find the information that they are looking for.

Google Posts  

Google Posts are a great way of showing potential customers what is going on at your business including any special offers you may be offering. These posts give you the option of creating an event, offer, or product update/announcement for anything happening with your business. By creating a Google Post, you are emphasizing specifically what you want to promote for the business. As well as creating awareness of what the business has to offer.


One of the principal purposes for Google My Business is being able to read and respond to reviews that customers leave. Whether the customer was pleased with the interaction they had with your business or was left unhappy, you have the ability to respond to the reviews your customers are leaving you. This is great for businesses needing to accommodate potential customer criticisms and make them right.  Reviews are very important when customers are deciding on selecting a business comparing it to your competitors.

Allow Google My Business to benefit your business!

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