Two Important Things to Adjust Before Q4 - PCG Digital

Every year, Q4 is a make or break timeframe for businesses. It can make up for a average year or it can sabotage a decent year. For auto dealerships it’s no different. There are two things they can do to make sure to maximize marketing spends and convert more of their sales opportunities

  1. Google My Business (GMB) Maximization.

For every business, having their GMB set up correctly will help them show up in search more often, getting free traffic to their website. One of the best ways to monitor your traffic is to make sure the website button is tagged with a UTM code.

If you are not sure if your GMB already has a tag, type in your businesses name, and then hover over the website button with your cursor and look to the lower left. You should see the URL that you have entered in as website address. Alternatively, click on it to go to the website and look at the URL stream. If it just has your regular URL, i.e., it isn’t tagged.

It should look something like this:

In order to tag it correctly, go to “Google URL Builder” ( and follow the instructions. It is important to follow the correct rules for what you fill out and not to capitalize words.

Also, make sure you have your most important category listed as your primary category on your GMB listing. For auto dealers, it would be your brand/dealer first–for example, Nissan Dealer. If you happen to be a multi store brand such as CDJR, then it’s best practice to list whichever brand is most important to your bottom line.

For more specific instructions, click on these to download the PCG Guide for UTM tags or for information on our GMB online course.

  1. Stop Buying Your Name

This tip is regarding your Paid Advertising or Google Ads strategy. For many auto dealers and even vendors, spending a large amount of money to buy your name is wasteful. The argument for buying the business name is that your competitors are buying keywords based on the company name. If someone types in your business name, there is an intent by the customer to find your business. When they type in your business name, your website is first in organic search and your GMB is cited as well. On mobile, GMB usually takes over the screen. This means Google is helping to get the consumer to your website for free.

A better use of these funds would be more brand awareness advertising to create a desire for consumers to type in your businesses name. A good way to do that would be to create video pre roll, with short videos explaining why someone should do business with your dealership or organization. Another option would be Facebook or Instagram advertising targeting specific individuals in your market with a video branding strategy, again to bring awareness to your business.

Once this happens, Google will bring up your GMB and more customers get to your website with the intent to understand what you do and potentially move further down the sales funnel

Q4 is here, and it’s time to make some adjustments. Even if your year is going well, take a moment to check these two strategies to make sure you are maximizing your efforts. If you have any questions or if I or my team can be of service, please reach out.

Please join me in November for the Automotive Analytics & Attribution Summit in Florida. I will be sharing specific ways to rethink your customer interaction with my workshop,

“Updating Your CRM and Showroom Processes to Maximize Digital Retailing” Information and tickets can be found here.


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