Education Is The Key to Success In Digital Marketing - PCG Digital
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Education Is The Key to Success In Digital Marketing

By March 6, 2019 No Comments

One of the most important keys to success in the digital world is educating yourself. We are in an industry that is constantly changing, here are a few tips on how Senior Client Account Manager, Lisa Grande keeps herself educated.

  • Finding reputable sources and continuing to learn from them is important. Whether it be online articles or videos it is important to make sure the information you are reading is reputable
  • Internal Team members and peers, here at PCG we keep each other up to date by sharing articles, teaching new techniques and holding internal trainings.
  • Attending educational workshops and conferences. By going to different workshops and conferences it expands your knowledge to a whole new level.
  • Be willing! Digital marketing is a rapidly evolving world, and a tactic that worked for you last year might not be the best way to go about it anymore. Keeping an open mind is the number one quality all great digital marketers share.

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