How to Manage Your Marketing Budget during COVID - PCG Digital

The first reaction for how to save budget is to cut marketing. Is this a good idea?

The quick answer is no. We know that the average buying cycle for purchasing a car is a few months. Plus, now is the time when a lot of leases end and the consumer needs to make a new decision on a vehicle. Not to mention, purchasing behaviors are changing and the consumer is online now more than ever.

During these troubled times, yes you can reduce budget if necessary, but it is advised to stay strong as these marketing dollars will result in actionable results in the future.  

Evergreen marketing is key.

 Now is the time when you want to keep your branded, video, and service campaigns live with good budgets.  You can adjust the messaging to show everything you are doing to stay clean & safe while still operating. 

Shoot video for how cautious you are with service appointments, or how you now offer pick up or valet service. If you can completely or almost entirely process all aspects of a purchase or lease online, highlight it. 

You can leverage this messaging through paid search advertising and social advertising. And don’t forget, you are the most powerful with your own organic content on your website backed with SEO.

Now is now the time to go dark on your marketing. Think about it. Let us know if you want a consultation to discuss this further.


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