Keep Calm & Quarantine On - PCG Digital

As everyday life has come to an unexpected halt and self-quarantining has become the new normal, businesses around the country are scrambling to find ways to adjust. Auto dealers in particular are facing unexpected challenges in this unprecedented time.

The team at PCG Digital has heard the concerns of auto dealers across the country. We listen, we hear you, and we are here to help. Check out some helpful tips below for how to be prepared for an unpredictable market.

Communicate With Your Market

Now, more than ever, is the time to communicate with your current and future customers. Email blasts, paid social media advertising, organic posting, and website banners explaining the adjusted services you will be providing them during this time is crucial.

Offering at home test drives? Extending service hours? Create a video explaining to consumers how they can take advantage of these services and put them on all of your social channels. Shift your marketing messages across all platforms to educate consumers on what your dealership is putting in place to make their car shopping or service experience easier. Are you offering paperwork to be filled out online? Offering video-conferencing to answer questions? Include these efforts in your messaging.

Review Your Digital Retailing Experience

If you thought people were always on their phones a week ago, imagine how often they are on their phones when they are stuck inside their home! Now is the time to review your digital retailing experience. Is your online showroom stocked with real-life photos? Are your website buttons updated to educate consumers on the crisis and what your dealership is doing in response? Are your social media marketing messages consistent across your website and Google My Business listings? Take the time to ensure you are providing your current and future customers everything they need to shop with you from the comfort of their home.

Ask For Advice

Our team at PCG Digital is in contact with our clients everyday. We encourage them to ask questions, review strategy, and brainstorm together on how we can adjust marketing strategies to match these uncertain times. Contact your marketing agency and ask to have a brainstorm session, see what multimedia assets can be created, and review your marketing message to ensure it is consistent across all platforms. Your agency will be able to give you insight on what other dealers are experiencing, ways they’ve overcome challenges, and what they are finding as the best strategies to implement in the current automotive market.

Revitalize Your Strategy with a FREE Digital Marketing Analysis

The specialists at PCG Digital will evaluate your dealerships SEO, SEM and Social marketing to ensure a success-driven approach

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