Why Does Content Still Reign As King? | Content Marketing Advice

In 1996 Bill Gates wrote an essay and coined the phrase “content is king”. After almost 25 years, many digital marketing professionals still believe that content is still king, but is it really?

"Content is King"
Bill Gates
Smart Person

Content in 2021 is still most certainly king, and will continue to well into 2022 AND BEYOND! Many SEOs believe that content marketing is dead, and I have never heard anything further from the truth.

Content is what people are looking for when they go online, and your content needs to be able to be found in order for it to offer any benefit, no matter if it’s an article, a description of a product, a blog post.

Everyone wants to write the next viral blog and be ahead of change, and that is what content marketing is really all about! Being ahead of the curve, announcing it with a cool and eye-catching headline, and funneling traffic toward the sale – that sounds oddly similar to content marketing, don’t you agree?

It is 2021 and content is still most certainly king of the marketing jungle.

So why is content still king after all these years?

Great Content is Great for SEO

Original, high-quality content on a brands website can offer a huge impact on SEO and search ranking for a few reasons. Unique content that is created regularly with internal links to other pieces of relevant content and naturally placed keywords can help a website rank organically for more search terms and keywords. Also, consistently creating great content helps create somewhat of an authority and opens up the opportunity to create a great link profile.

Great Content Encourages Engagement

Social media update or blog posts encourages a visitor to engage with the brand or the site. If the content is REALLY GREAT visitors will stop, consume the content and hopefully understand the message of the content–maybe even comment or like! If it’s not REALLY GREAT they will scroll past, not read and then the content becomes, well, useless. Remember REALLY GREAT content is king, not moderately good content.

Great Content Can Generate New Sales

Great content can help create brand awareness and authority. By creating awareness and authority, that content has the potential to create new leads or even sales for your brand. Remember though, great content is usually way less sales-y than informative, so it gives people the opportunity to engage with the company, rather than a straight up sales message.

Great Content Can Add Value to your Product/Service

Content can add value in many ways. One of those ways in when you are able to solve a problem in the visitors every day life, or teach someone something new. The value does not have a monetary value, but it is extremely important to your brand. Content like this can be like a how-to video, or webinar. Doing this provides value and in turn makes your brand valuable.

There are a whole slew of other reasons why content still roars as the true king of the marketing jungle, but I will have to save them for a later blog. I don’t want to spend all of my good content at once!

Picture of Eric Lupardi
Eric Lupardi
Eric is a fun and outgoing SEO Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for 3 things: Punk Rock, Pro Wrestling, and Soft Pretzels. He enjoys spending his free time checking out new music, having a frosty brew, and watching life hacks on YouTube.

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