Why You Should Have A Social Media Specialist In Your Corner - PCG Digital

When it comes to paid Social Media Marketing, many people think they have it down pat. A decent graphic, a savvy ad copy, and a call to action headline are all you need to get your social media marketing up and running, right? 

Unfortunately, this is just the surface of an effective social media marketing campaign. It takes market research, high-end graphics, tested ad copy, and much more to truly have a strategy in place that will generate conversions for your business. 

So, the next time you think about doing all of your social media marketing in-house, remember to consider these important points:

Social Media Marketing Is A Full-Time Job

Agencies around the country hire teams of social media experts. Why? Because social media marketing truly is a full-time job. Performing A/B testing, keeping up with trends, doing target market research, preparing graphics, and formulating strategies that will drive conversions is not something that happens overnight. Hiring an agency will give you a dedicated Social Media Specialist on your team to lead you in the right direction.

Boosted Ads vs. Paid Ads

Time and time again I have clients tell me they are executing a paid social strategy through boosted posts. Although boosted posts are great leverage for your business’s presence on social organically, boosted posts are not a part of a paid Facebook strategy. A boosted post is a post to your page’s timeline that you can put the budget behind in order to boost it to an audience of your choosing. Three things you select when boosting a post are who you want to reach, how much money you want to spend, and how long the post should run, making boosted posts very simple to create.

On the other hand, a Facebook ad is created through Ads manager and offers advanced customization solutions. Facebook ads offer advertising objectives that help you reach your business’s specific goals and audiences you care most about. These ads allow you to customize different ad placements, specific ad objectives, creative control, and advanced targeting. 

Who Is Leading Your Social Media Team

Social Media is a powerhouse, and an ever-changing one at that. It has shaped our culture and the world we live in. The policies and advancements made for advertising on any social media platform change almost daily. A dedicated Social Media Specialist at an agency has the job of keeping up with these trends and learning how to implement them to create effective strategies. When social media marketing is done in-house, this crucial element to this type of advertising is often overlooked due to time constraints and lack of manpower. These trends will make or break your social media strategy, so it is important to be aware of what they are and how to utilize them to reach your business goals. 

We live in a world that changes every day. With these changes comes the challenge to social media marketers of how to market these changes to consumers while reaching their business goals. Having a dedicated Social Media Specialist in your corner will conquer these changes and drive conversions. So, the next time you think about doing your social media marketing in-house, consider a specialist instead.

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