Google Ads Customer Match Lists | Remarketing Paid Search Campaigns

I have the data to prove why it should be.

All of my clients who are using their customer data for remarketing purposes are seeing awesome results that are helping convert viewers into sales.

Note: Customer data/lists are taking the customer data from your CRM (first and last name, zip code, email address and phone number).

In remarketing for paid search campaigns, we are seeing the following:


The chart shows the clicks and conversions coming through for one of my clients in July. They started off slow for a few days, until I realized the conversion rate was through the roof and the budget was re-allocated to this campaign.

The end result for July was:

When we dive into Google Analytics data, we can see that the front end metrics are also driving quality traffic on the backend metrics.

What may be even more important is the demographic data for age, gender, and household income. With this data, you can tailor your marketing audiences and get the most bang for your buck. In other words, you can tailor who you want seeing your ads, your ad copy and banner images to advertise a lifestyle to a select group of people.

What Did We Learn?

Customer match lists in Google Ads are very beneficial from a leads and audience standpoint!

You should definitely try them, if your account allows you to.  There is a spend threshold you may need to meet, but once you are there – go for it!

To learn more about customer match lists, visit the Google help section or contact us at PCG to manage your strategy and help you convert more shoppers.

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