Maximize Your Social Advertising with Facebook Event Setup Tool - PCG Digital

While tracking your campaigns, have you ever wondered what people are doing when they land on your site? You see you have all these landing page views, impressions, and reached these many people; but is it contributing to your business goals? For instance, you could have a campaign that you’re interested in seeing how many “add to cart” is selected. You could potentially want to see how many people fill in contact forms on your website.

Facebook is here to answer this question. They have a product known as “Event Setup Tool,” which can track actions people take on your website. These events are defined and can indicate how successfully a campaign is performing. The best part of this tool is that you will not need any coding or Google Tag Manager access.

What You’ll Need

  1. To track events, you will need to make sure your pixel is properly installed on your site.
  2. It’s important to know what buttons or URL you want to track on your site and what events you want to use with what.

What Events Can You Track?

Some examples of events you can track are:

  • Add to Wishlist
  • Contact
  • Find Location
  • Purchase
  • Lead
  • Subscribe
  • View Content
  • And Much More!

You can define your events as you want. Just remember what each event means when you are tracking it through Facebook Analytics.

How To Use Facebook’s Event Setup Tool:

  1. Open up Ads Manager, then go to Events Manager to locate your Pixel.
  2. Choose the “Set Up” option at the top of the screen. From there, select “Set Up New Events.” You will be prompted to enter your website URL. Once there, a pop up will arrive on the screen with all the events you can add.
  3. Navigate through the website to find the buttons or URLs you want to track. Facebook will automatically find all the possible buttons on the page which you can track as events!
  4. Once you select a button or pick a URL, you will be asked to pick an event and confirm this change. After you create all your potential events, select “Finish Setup” and you are set.

What Are The Benefits of Event Setup Tool?

  • Understanding how your ads are performing: Instead of just monitoring how your audience is engaging with your ad on Facebook, you can now see what they are doing on your site. That way, you will know if your ad is achieving what you want it to!
  • Custom audience building: This is extremely beneficial to ensure you are retargeting individuals who interacted with your site. If they potentially added something to their wishlist, you can retarget them with ads to convince them to add to cart and finish the transaction!
  • Seamless use of tracking Facebook Events: If you are not well versed in using Google Tag Manager or another platform to create Facebook-inspired events, then this takes the stress out of it! You can assign events easily and keep it all on one platform.
  • Unsure which button applies to which event? No problem: Facebook will also offer suggestions to which events to use based on your available buttons on the page(s).

Overall, the importance of using this tool will ensure you are creating campaigns with objective results.

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