The Perfect Recipe to A Successful Marketing Plan - PCG Digital

The slight dip in temperature, the changing of the leaves, and Michaels’ massive inventory of seasonal decor all point to one thing—Halloween is upon us, and with this spooky holiday comes plenty of treats and goodies! Regardless of if you’re an avid baker or just enjoy tearing into a tub of cookie dough, there’s a lot we can learn and apply from baking to form a successful marketing plan your clients are sure to love.

Mix It Up

Just like in baking, an impactful marketing strategy includes several key ingredients that require exact measurements and precise mixing to produce the results you’re looking for. Whether it’s integrating content and SEO or adding a dash of social media to your original plan, having a good mix and the right balance of ingredients is vital to success.

Test & Listen to Your Audience

It’s hard to get something right the first time, despite baking something similar in the past, and even harder to achieve your goals without measuring, reviewing, and refining your results. It’s important to be mindful of your target audience and actively listen to your client to ensure your strategy is actually working; for example, don’t deliver a carrot cake if they really want brownies.

Time It Right

While being flexible and willing to integrate new strategies is key, it’s also worth noting that you should also allow your marketing plan the time it needs to come to fruition. You wouldn’t pull your cake out of the oven before the batter has fully formed so don’t make the mistake of switching tactics before giving your marketing plan the time it needs.

Just as the seasons change, so do your clients’ needs, so take the time to properly evaluate your marketing efforts and see if they’re really paying off this Fall. Make sure you have a plan, a clear set of goals, and a method for testing to keep you from resorting to guesswork.


Revitalize Your Strategy with a FREE Digital Marketing Analysis

The specialists at PCG Digital will evaluate your dealerships SEO, SEM and Social marketing to ensure a success-driven approach

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