Digital Marketing Share of Voice | PCG Client Success Stories

Do You Know What SOV Is?

Share of Voice (SOV) is your brand’s market visibility among your competitors. SOV usually refers to paid search advertising, but can also be used to refer to digital marketing on a larger scale, such as with organic visibility.

My Texas Chevy Buick dealer, McKaig, has seen great SEO success since joining with us in 2016 and has seen a significant increase in organic traffic and SOV. We started with an SEO audit of the website and implemented onsite and offsite strategies to increase opportunity for organic traffic.

Onsite strategies may include items such as…

This dealer’s SEO and Content specialists are seeing custom pages that PCG has created show up in their top 10 organic landing pages!

It affords them not only a great deal of local visibility with two of their main geotargets increasing in organic traffic from last year, but it also establishes them as a national authority on various topics that consumers often search for – helping the dealer increase sales over time.

The more local and national authority a brand has, the more likely they are to attain and convert an online shopper.

Offsite strategy is an equally important piece of the puzzle that is spearheaded by optimizing Google My Business listings. For example, adding Custom Services to my client’s GMB Parts Department listing made the job easier for customers to find the services they needed. Our client has reported great percentage increases for his SOV in service related organic search terms. He has 93% SOV for the keyword “auto repair” in his geotarget and 65% of SOV for “tires” in his geotarget.

share of voice

Another aspect of offsite strategy that PCG maintains for our clients is ensuring all of your business listings outside of Google contain accurate information. Not only do we present your information on platforms all across the internet in a way that makes consumers easy to find, but we also suppress any duplicate listings that may find their way onto those platforms.

SEO is constantly evolving, and strategies always must be updated. PCG is the compass that will steer you in the right direction while doing it with the passion you deserve to achieve your digital marketing goals.

Increase Your Share Of Voice!

PCG will help you achieve similar results based on your specific needs, contact us today to get started!

Increase Your Share Of Voice!

PCG will help you achieve similar results based on your specific needs, contact us today to get started!

Revitalize Your Strategy with a FREE Digital Marketing Analysis

The specialists at PCG Digital will evaluate your dealerships SEO, SEM and Social marketing to ensure a success-driven approach

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