Best Super Bowl 2021 Car Commercials - PCG Digital

Last night’s Super Bowl started with a low rumble. It’s over now, and while the Big Game itself wasn’t much of a contest this year, we wouldn’t blame you if you just tuned in for the car commercials that showed us the automotive industry has heart.

Naturally, 2020 was a difficult year for everyone, from the pandemic to civil unrest. So this year, the ratio of humorous car commercials compared to the ones that try to tug at your heartstring shaped up to be a little more skewed toward the latter than usual. It was probably unexpected, and that’s not a bad thing!

With car manufacturers like Hyundai and Kia who opted out despite big showings in the past, we naturally saw fewer car-focused ads. But, the messages and positive impact that we were left with from these car brands that did participate was immense.  The General Motors Super Bowl commercial opted for comical relief, Jeep‘s Super Bowl commercial went all-in for heartstring-tugging patriotism, and Toyota’s Super Bowl commercial was a tear-jerker that left us feeling utterly inspired.

These were not the usual car commercials to say the least, and they shouldn’t have been considering we are living through some major historical events.

The industry is changing along with the world around us. The Jeep Super Bowl commercial really was the highlight of all the ads. We’re not saying this because Bruce Springsteen a.k.a “The Boss” told us to. It was the best because it fluidly and effortlessly brought us together and reunited the nation in what seems to be the most polarized political climate ever.

Yes it is true, car dealers need to innovate.

* Disclaimer: This blog is not about politics, but there is something we need to address across every industry…divisiveness. In my humble opinion, it just wasn’t a time to deliver an attack ad against traditional car dealerships when we’re trying to meet in the middle.

The car commercials that were running this year clearly expressed the consciousness of our industry. As the trend of online shopping continues to evolve and with the emergence of AI and app-based eCommerce sites, car dealers are not obsolete. In 2021, car dealers are more than capable of performing the online purchase and home test drives that buyers are looking for.

"Many dealers are embracing change to meet customers where they want. They know changes have to happen and their goal is to remove pain points customers experienced in the past. I am very excited as this trend continues to evolve."
Glenn Pasch, CEO

Dealers are not lacking, in fact they’re providing more options to meet buyers on common ground whether they want to have a traditional buying experience in-person or online where there is an option to connect with a live person. Unlike app based eCommerce sites traditional dealers are not forcing the buyer to make a major lifetime investment solely over WiFi.

It took over a decade for Springsteen to sign on to any advertising platform. That should speak for something. The industry is evolving and dealers need an automotive digital marketing team of experts like us at PCG Digital to keep you honest.

#ICYMI Here is a round-up of all the super bowl car commercials — the best and the rest — in one convenient place for you.

Ratings for Best Super Bowl Car Commercials

We know what you’re looking for!Based on our own mini research quest and social media trends we went ahead and rated the Super Bowl car commercials for you!
Jeep | Bruce Springsteen | The Middle
General Motors | Will Ferrell | No Way Norway
Toyota | Jessica Long's Story
Ford | Finish Strong
Cadillac | Edgar Scissorhands
Vroom's | Dealership Pain

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Picture of Lauren McCaskill
Lauren McCaskill
Lauren is a Social Media and Marketing Specialist. She's a media maven who has worked on various political campaigns ranging from national to municipal races. She enjoys her spare time heckling trolls, volunteering, and spending time with her family.

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