The Importance of Including Fixed Ops in SEO Strategy - PCG Digital

When creating an overall SEO strategy for your website, it is becoming increasingly important to focus on the fixed operations services your dealership offers. At PCG Digital, there are a few key factors we focus on when it comes to your Service and Parts departments. Google My Business (GMB) and On-Site SEO are two of our main focus areas for this strategy.

Google My Business

Many car dealerships have a Sales GMB Listing, but having both separate Service and Parts GMB listings are just as important as the Sales listing.

PCG’s founder,Brian Pasch, has come up with the ultimate way to create and optimize your Service and Parts GMB listings. You can reference his book, “Hyper-Local Marketing Handbook for Automotive Retail,” which goes into greater detail regarding the importance of having Sales, Service, and Parts GMB listings.

If your dealership does not already have Service and Parts GMB listings, you should first check to see if there is already a listing created or phantom listings for both. If you cannot find them, you would want to then create these listings.

Once a listing is verified, you want to make sure that it is optimized to the fullest. Based on Brian’s training, the PCG team makes sure each of our dealerships include categories, their service cities, list correct hours of operation for separate departments, UTM tags to the URLs, phone number(s), short codes, and a business description. When this is completed, we then recommend creating categories for products and services and continuing to post on GMB. In Brian’s book, he goes more in-depth about how to optimize each of these areas.

On-Site SEO

There are many important aspects to include within your overall SEO strategy. Optimizing and creating content on your website is very important to SEO, especially when focusing strictly on Service and Parts pages. When optimizing or creating content for these pages, it is important to focus on specific keywords that would bring visitors to your website in search for Fixed Operations.

Some examples of keywords that people use to search are:

Besides optimizing the content on the page, it is also important to add or optimize the meta-data and alt text to photos as well as including linking on the pages. Ensuring that Fixed Operations is included in your overall SEO strategy is important, and growing even more important every day!

To learn more about our Fixed Operations and SEO packages are offered contact us today!

Picture of Michele Kowalski
Michele Kowalski
Michele, our Education and Development Director, is passionate about keeping our team educated within both the digital and automotive industries. Outside of PCG she loves running, going to the beach and spending time with her family and dog Tito!

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