Hiring Generation Z Employees | Employee Retention

Say what you want about Generation Z. You can call them lazy, technology-dependent, or even criticize them for not knowing a Phil Collins song (they will enjoy the drum break in “In The Air Tonight,” trust me.) You name it, this new generation has probably heard it, plus more.

While you could write a book on the negative misconceptions of Generation Z, the truth is:

…they are a growing power to your business

In Glenn Pasch’s podcast, “You’re in Charge”, Conversations That Spark Change, he and Mark Beal, a professor at the Rutgers School of Communication, discuss the growing power of Generation Z to your business.

Glenn Pasch Mark Beal Power of Gen Z Youtube Thumbnail

The two go into detail of how your business can attract and retain Generation Z as employees and market to them as consumers effectively.

What You Need To Know About Hiring and Retaining Gen Z Employees

The main point that Mark Beal addresses when it comes to hiring Generation Z is what you think they are looking for in a job versus what they are actually looking for is different.

Through research surveys, Beal discovers what matters most to Gen Z in a job is a sense of belonging, diversity, and inclusion. It is not just about competitive salary and benefits for them.

What Does “Sense of Belonging, Diversity, and Inclusion” Mean?

For Generation Z, what a sense of belonging, diversity, and inclusion means is searching for significance in the workplace. They want to be impactful in their work and be a part of a company that cares more than just profits.

Being the most inclusive and diverse generation, Mark and Glenn note that Gen Z is doing their homework about your business beyond the salary. Looking for answers to questions such as:

  • “What is the Work/Life Balance like at this company?”
  • “How diverse are your employees?”
  • “Do I have a chance to grow and evolve in my work?” 

These intuitive questions give them the feeling that this is where they belong.

What Can I Do As a Business to Retain Generation Z Employees?

Mark Beal notes a major driving factor in retaining Generation Z employees is knowing they have a mentor, not just a manager.

You might not be able to imagine it, but Generation Z does hold an entrepreneurial mindset to grow, learn, and advance. Connecting with a mentor with a similar mindset to develop their skills becomes essential for their career growth.

Another big factor in retaining Generation Z employees is making sure they have a seat at the table. Glenn and Mark note that while they might not have the experience you would like for your business, they are actually the ones who will tell you what needs to go out to produce content that resonates with their generation. This becomes important because as Generation Z gets older, they will eventually be the majority of the buying market.

What You Need To Know About Hiring and Retaining Gen Z Employees

Mark and Glenn see one of the most effective ways to market to this new generation is to be where they consume content. Some platforms where Generation Z spend their time consuming content include:

  • Clubhouse
  • Twitch
  • Discord
  • YouTube
  • TikTok / Twitter / Instagram

Unfortunately, watching Good Morning America, CBS News, and even reading the newspaper (because Twitter is our newspaper), is slowly declining.

As for the actual content produced, engaging and entertaining content are standard qualities. A strategy brands and businesses could use to captivate this targeted audience is to show “access and experience” content.

What is “Access and Experience” Content

The best way to explain “access and experience” content is by how Mark and Glenn give the example of the NBA social media channels. The NBA social media channels highlighting athletes walking into the arena and showcasing their pregame outfits is a simple content strategy. Essentially, this gives fans real access to something that may resonate with them or something they do not normally get to see of these high-octane professionals.

At the heart of it, brands like the NBA that display normal activities or “behind the scenes” content, connect with Generation Z and show they are not so different from them (minus being the only player able to make it to the NBA Finals 10 years in a row).

Access and experience content also goes for businesses showcasing their purpose and impact past their profits. Your ties to communities, social issues, or anything that promotes more than a sale, shows Generation Z you care about human interaction. Not just seeing people as just another customer.

Generation Z is just beginning to scratch the surface. They will continue to grow and be even more influential to your business than you could ever imagine.

For more tips and discussion on how you can elevate and take charge of your leadership skills, business, or personal life, we encourage you to subscribe to Glenn Pasch’s Podcast, “You’re in Charge” Conversations That Spark Change.

Picture of Carlo Vargas
Carlo Vargas
Carlo has always had a passion for creating content. Being a content specialist at PCG Digital seemed to be a perfect fit. In his free time, he enjoys collecting vintage clothes, adding to his sneaker collection, curating playlists, and running to hit his weekly miles.

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