How To Keeps Visitors on Your Website | Content Optimization and More

Making sure readers are staying on your page and actually reading is crucial for anyone in content creation. Readers online have everything they could ever ask for at their fingertips, that’s why it is so important your content should be able to not only keep readers’ attention on your site, but also keep them engaged.  

The question is how do you make sure your readers (and potential customers) are staying engaged, and more importantly, staying on your site while reading your content?

There are three easy ways to not only get people to read your content, but to be actively engaged:

1. Don’t Overwhelm Your Readers With Text

Nothing can be more overwhelming to readers than large blocks of text. It’s difficult to keep readers on your page if all they see are long paragraphs.

To keep your readers engaged, make sure you break up your text into various sections to keep your readers attention while still getting your message across.

Document Current Processes At All Customer Touch Points

  • Make a bulleted list (just like this one!). By having a bulleted list, readers have the chance to read one idea at a time.
  • Use multiple short paragraphs instead of large ones. If you notice your paragraph is becoming too long, make sure to break it up so readers can more easily digest the content.
  • Break up content with different headings (H2’s and H3’s). Having H2’s and H3’s can be great visually. They can also serve to break up content and let readers easily know what the text is going to be about. Think of these as chapter titles for your content. When you  split everything up, the reader knows what they are about to read.

2. Pictures Really Are Worth 1000 Words

Sometimes the best way to tell readers about something is to show them. Whether that be through the form of a picture, graphic, or video, readers like to see new things.

If you are writing content that is very step-based, try to have an accompanied video or images to help walk your readers through the process. If you have overwhelming text blocks, use images and videos to break up your copy so readers can go to the next topic on your page.

3. Have a Call to Action

Having a call to action in your content is a great way to engage your readers and have them feel like they are truly involved. With a call to action, readers are encouraged to continue reading your website’s content or looking at what else your site has to offer.

For instance, if you want to learn more helpful tips from PCG Digital head to our Resources page. This call to action lets readers know you are at the end of your content piece, and if they’re interested in learning more and staying on the site, they can click this link to do so.

Start Producing Engaging Content Today

(Well, here’s my call to action)

These three easy ways will help keep readers on your page and actively engaged. Learn even more about content, SEO, and much more by staying up-to-date with our PCG Digital blog.

Picture of Greg Scharen
Greg Scharen
Greg joined the PCG Digital team as a Content Specialist after graduating Rowan University with a journalism degree. When Greg isn’t at work you can find him learning and listening to new music, collecting records, repurposing old furniture, watching the Yankees, or hanging out with his big family and his 190-pound bullmastiff named Brutus.

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