Importance of Google My Business to Local SEO

One of the hot topics at DMSC this year was the importance of Google My Business and how it influences your Local SEO. 

“Google My Business is the most important element of Local SEO strategy,” says Brian Pasch, owner/founder of PCG Digital Marketing.

What this digital networking tool does is generate traffic to a business’ website, making it one of its most viewed local business assets. It is a free tool that most businesses are not taking advantage of or using to its full potential.

In further detail, let’s explore the important aspects of Google My Business. There are three pillars: relevance, activity, and proximity.

On-Site SEO Relevance

The key to a Google My Business listing appearing in search results is having relevant content on a business’ website. All of the content that is on a website should be related to what the website is about. This will allow Google to crawl the website and have it appear in searches that are relevant to the content on it.

When creating on-site content, you want to make sure to include important SEO elements like Meta Title and Meta Description; H1s that need to be relevant to a webpage’s content, indicating its main topic, as well as including proper linking. All of these elements will help Google better understand the content on the page as the information that appears in search results.

Actively Using GMB

Consistently utilizing Google My Business is another key asset for a business listing to appear in search results.

Some of the ways you can stay active on Google My Business are by creating weekly/monthly posts, constantly adding new products, and continuing to ensure that your listing is fully optimized.

Google Posts can also be used to display any specials or products a business would like to promote, including links back to the website. Google Products are used to show the products a business has to offer. Each product can be created and linked back to the actual product on the website.

When creating products and posts, it is important to UTM tag the URLs to see where the traffic is coming to the website.

Local Google Ads

Paying for Local Google Ads allows businesses to take advantage of user/consumer proximity as they search on mobile devices or use “city names” as keywords. This is a great way to get more calls and help customers learn more about a business. Local Google Ads allow a business to be featured at the top of search results when users/consumers begin a search for local businesses.

Incorporating Local Google Ads with a business’ overall digital marketing strategy will help increase traffic to a website.

If your business is looking to increase its visibility in local search, reach out to the PCG Digital team today!

Picture of Michele Kowalski
Michele Kowalski
Michele, our Education and Development Director, is passionate about keeping our team educated within both the digital and automotive industries. Outside of PCG she loves running, going to the beach and spending time with her family and dog Tito!

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