Ways to Educate Your Internal Team | PCG Digital

When faced with expanding education, the majority of companies set it aside, prioritizing client attention instead, since “the client always comes first.” However, continuing to educate your employees is an important means to growing your company, as it can help increase said clientele and enrich their experiences with you. Here are some ways you can continue to educate your employees on evolving industry trends and innovations.

1. Creating a Resource Library

Having an internal resource library is a great start to giving your team the resources they need to continue their education. This library can include industry resources, certification courses, recordings of internal training, and anything else that will help cultivate your team.
By creating this library, it gives team members the opportunity to take advantage of all the resources available to them whenever they would like or are needed. Having this library is also a great way to allow your team to develop new skill sets.

2. Implement Internal Education Days

Designating monthly education days is not only important for teams and their members to diversify knowledge, but is also an essential foundation for company growth, enhancing the sum of its parts. Recently at PCG Digital we started implementing PCG Learning Days. On these Learning Days, teams research new techniques from industry resources that they can incorporate into their strategies, update certifications, enroll in new courses, and attend internal training.

3. Outside Educator Trainings

Learning from an outside source will open many doors for your team. Inviting a guest speaker to an internal training; for example, allows your team to see different perspectives within your industry. Since many companies are remote, this is a great opportunity to take advantage of because of how simply they can be set up as internal webinars that everyone can join. Having a guest speaker allows your team members to think outside the box and learn new strategies that they can then incorporate for their clients.

Education is important to both your team and company no matter what industry you specialize in. For any additional questions on how to keep your team educated or if you want to learn more about educating your internal team please feel free to contact us!

Picture of Michele Kowalski
Michele Kowalski
Michele, our Education and Development Director, is passionate about keeping our team educated within both the digital and automotive industries. Outside of PCG she loves running, going to the beach and spending time with her family and dog Tito!

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