Educating Internal Teams on Digital Marketing Strategies | PCG Digital

Are you looking for a way to expand your knowledge in digital marketing? Educating your team is important to your dealership’s success. By continuing to educate your team, it allows your dealership to continue to be relevant in the digital marketplace.

Now is the time to sign up for our Digital Mentoring Program. This is a program that will be run by our founder, Brian Pasch, and some of the experts on the PCG Digital Team. With this program, you will not only expand your digital marketing strategies, but you will also learn ways to collaboratively interact with your marketing vendor partners.

The program will last 9 weeks, consisting of weekly 60-minute sessions primarily focused on digital marketing

 All sessions will be interactive with the team and geared towards the automotive industry. These sessions will range from SEO, Social Media Marketing, Google Ads, Digital Retailing, and more!

During each of these sessions, you will learn about specific areas of digital marketing and how to utilize strategies related to them within your dealership. This is a phenomenal opportunity for newer marketing professionals to learn and advance their knowledge. It also serves as a great way for current marketing professionals to expand on their skillset.

Sign up here for more information on the Digital Mentoring Program!

Picture of Michele Kowalski
Michele Kowalski
Michele, our Education and Development Director, is passionate about keeping our team educated within both the digital and automotive industries. Outside of PCG she loves running, going to the beach and spending time with her family and dog Tito!

Revitalize Your Strategy with a FREE Digital Marketing Analysis

The specialists at PCG Digital will evaluate your dealerships SEO, SEM and Social marketing to ensure a success-driven approach

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