How Content Marketing Helps Sell More Cars Online | PCG Digital

It is no secret that the internet has forever changed consumer behavior. More often than not, the shopping experience begins online. But it is not just for your typical home electronics, weekly Sunday brunch outfits, or to add to your unhealthy collection of unread books (my collection is not pretty either), online shopping is prolific in the automotive industry.

To help online automotive shoppers, content marketing becomes more important to your overall strategy. To ante up your position in the playing field, I highlight the importance of content marketing for automotive online shoppers and provide ways you can incorporate content into your strategy.

Why Does My Dealership Need A Content Marketing Strategy?

While the thought of your customers being impulsive buyers may seem like a gold mine, the reality is shoppers want information. Effective automotive content marketing can do more than just provide them with information. It helps generate more traffic, leads, and conversions.

When car buyers begin the daunting process of shopping for a new car, truck, or SUV, most of them are undecided. In fact, 60% of shoppers are “open to considering multiple vehicle options.” Even if they are certain about what they want for a new vehicle, they will continue to research to solidify their choices.

Using captivating and helpful automotive content marketing with a car-buying audience is more than likely to provide the following benefits for your dealership:

● Build Customer Loyalty – Content marketing allows dealerships to introduce themselves before the shopper even visits the dealership. This allows develops your brand recognition.

Improve Your SEO – Adding relevant, in-depth blog content to your site produces a higher position in the search engine results page (SERP) as shoppers are looking for useful information to help their research process.

Revitalize Social Media – Larger audiences are reached by distributing content through a variety of channels. Some created content is more fitting for your social media, but being able to reach as many interested consumers through different channels keeps you three-dimensional.

How Can I Create An Effective Content Marketing Strategy?

Content is still reigning as the king when it comes to building an overall strategy, as it is still great for SEO, encourages engagement, generates new sales, and adds value to products or services.

While answering specific model and service questions for certain vehicles in a blog format is most certainly a constructive way to reach and inform your automotive audience, beyond the blog, the following content marketing strategies that you should integrate into your dealership’s website include:

● Case Studies & Testimonials
● Infographics
● Video
● Podcasts

Combining your content strategy and working with a powerful and experienced Paid Search (SEM), Organic Search (SEO), and Social Media team has shown to make your presence even stronger.

Our team here at PCG Digital has also provided effective tips for content marketing strategies to help develop your digital strategy for 2022!

Create Your Very Own Content Marketing Strategy Today

Ease the car shopping experience for your customers and create your content marketing strategy today.

If you have any questions about content strategy, PCG Digital, or the automotive industry, please feel free to contact us online.

Learn even more about content, SEO, and much more by staying up-to-date with our PCG Digital blog.

Picture of Carlo Vargas
Carlo Vargas
Carlo has always had a passion for creating content. Being a content specialist at PCG Digital seemed to be a perfect fit. In his free time, he enjoys collecting vintage clothes, adding to his sneaker collection, curating playlists, and running to hit his weekly miles.

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