Content Strategies for Car Dealers for 2023 | PCG Digital

With a new year almost a month away, evaluating your dealership’s content strategy ensures your website enables the plan to reach its full potential. Unique content is a great way to get your name in front of potential auto shoppers, and these four strategies will help you further that reach.

Optimize Content for Mobile

A well-created webpage will maintain its design integrity across browsers. Webpages have the potential to become disproportionate when switched from desktops to browsers. Using space with a purpose will help your web pages seamlessly transition.

Use space consciously. Less is more when it comes to mobile content. Breaking paragraphs into small, cohesive sections will allow your reader to scan the page for what they need quicker and easier.

Utilize white space. White space is your friend. Not only does it create a visually pleasing look, but it also allows the page to shrink down smoothly. Use white space to space out clickable items for more accessibility on mobile.

With the rise in mobile search, conscious efforts to cater to that space will keep your website pages looking fresh and navigable.

Create Content For Your Intended Audience

Know who you are trying to reach. What makes these people unique from the rest of the market? What are they looking for in a vehicle? Answering these questions will help you connect with your consumer.

Take time to consider the inventory you regularly keep in stock. Cater content for the vehicles you have and use your blog space as a way to reach your consumers.

For example, if you have an influx of SUVs, you may consider creating content for a mother. If you have a large stock of electric vehicles, center your content towards environmentally-conscious auto shoppers.

Use SEO Strategies in Your Writing

Custom Content and Blog Posts

Custom pages and blog posts are a great way to elevate your SEO strategy. Use these pages to employ more keywords, target your areas, and keep readers on your site. 

Usage of Headings

H2s create guides for content on your page and allow you to hit more keywords. Use these sections to reach secondary keywords related to your main content to widen the reach of your pages. 

Targeting Local Areas

An effective strategy to rank in local SEO and make content relevant to drivers near you is by adding targeted areas to your content. Get creative with your targeted cities and use them in some way on every page or blog post. 

Hyperlink! Hyperlink! Hyperlink!

Hyperlinking all relevant pages on your website in your custom content helps you get more views across your whole page, keeps visitors on the website for an extended period, and creates more credibility for your website. Specific departments, services, or inventory mentioned, should be linked back to other relevant blogs or custom pages. 

Switch Up Your Layouts

Using pre-made content pages helps you maintain your brand across the website, but that does not mean you have to stick with the same content format for every page. Give readers variety by switching from the same paragraph after-paragraph structure. Instead, you can use:

  • Bullet points
  • Bolded key points
  • Image Galleries
  • Embedded Videos
  • Maps

These simple switches will allow your readers to digest your page. When mentioning multiple models, an image gallery adds visual appeal to the page and a point of reference for readers.

An embedded video is a supplementary piece for how-to articles, giving your reader a visual to follow along with your content. Maps help elevate geo-specific content by allowing consumers to see how far you extend your services.

Evaluate Your Content Strategy Today

When you plan, create, and post your new content, take our proactive steps for content that helps your consumer. If you would like to discuss your content strategy with us, set up a 15 minute call with our team!


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