Conquering Social Media Advertising With Privacy-First | PCG Digital

Automotive Inventory Ads (AIA) are dynamic ads that are shown to Facebook users who are in the market for a vehicle. Like any dynamic ad, Auto Inventory Ads showcase your online inventory to in-market shoppers on the Facebook and Instagram platforms. Where previously Automotive Inventory Ads sent in-market shoppers to on-site VDP and SRP pages, Automotive Inventory Ads to Marketplace drove those same shoppers to On-Facebook VDP’s. This strategy keeps users on the Facebook platform, avoiding any lack of measurement due to newfound privacy laws and loss of cookies.

Many businesses are making a huge shift to focusing on E-commerce when it comes to selling to their consumers. Online shopping is a convenient and enticing way for consumers to get what they want from the comfort of their home, which is something we all have become quite used to these days. Since this shift, there have been major changes to digital marketing involving privacy changes that advertisers must adapt to. With the change of consumers holding the power to how their data is used, digital marketers must implement a new approach to their digital strategy to keep their target consumers at the center of their marketing goals.

To recap on the changes that have been made to the digital landscape in 2021, Apple and Google have made it easier for their users to be in control of how their data is collected and used thus creating an obstacle for advertisers. With these changes in browsers and operating systems, advertisers must become less reliant on third-party data without losing consumer insight.

A lot of brands remain focused on sending traffic to their websites and/or specific landing pages from a paid Facebook ad. But did you know, you don’t have to send consumers to your site and can keep users on Facebook and be just as successful? As users opt for data transparency and control, advertisers should implement on-Facebook strategies to continue delivering relevant and personalized ads. The On-Facebook destination strategy is built for a privacy-first approach, while delivering trackable results.

Shoppers are relying more and more on digital channels for vehicle discovery and consideration, so why not make the car shopping experience easier for Facebook users and streamline the process? Using On-Facebook Destinations for Auto Inventory Ads (AIA) is a mobile-optimized shopping experience and a great way for dealerships to showcase and sell both new and used vehicles. On ad click, traffic is not directed to the business website- rather directed to an On-FacebookVehicle Detail Page (VDP) created by Facebook with information right from your website. From here, shoppers can read more on the vehicle’s details, discover more inventory, and connect with dealers directly via phone, Facebook messenger, or a Facebook lead form.

There are many benefits in addition to being built for privacy, to using the on -Facebook destination for Auto Inventory Ads (AIA):

  • More Efficient Campaign Performance
  • Frictionless shopping experience
  • Reach in-market consumers
  • Retarget shoppers who viewed your inventory or messaged you in subsequent on-Facebook campaigns

Here at PCG Digital, our team has already begun implementing this strategy for our social clients and have seen success. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact a social specialist from our team today!

Picture of Sarah Knipe
Sarah Knipe
Sarah is a Social Media Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for the digital world and keeping up on the latest trends on all social media platforms. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, relaxing on the beach, or traveling and seeing new places.

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