Top SEO Trends in 2022 To Watch | PCG Digital

As we start 2022, SEO remains one of the most important assets to your digital marketing strategy in bringing traffic to your website. Did you lose rankings in 2021? Was traffic not where you wanted it to be? SEO is constantly evolving and it is important to keep up with the latest industry trends. Below, I highlight what to incorporate into your overall SEO strategy in 2022.

Content Continues to be King

It should be no surprise that content remains an important part of your SEO strategy. When creating content, you want to continue to make it relevant to what the page is about and include key SEO elements.

Key SEO Elements

● H1s
● H2s
● Anchor Text
● Appropriate Keywords
● Reputable Linking
● Alt Text On Photos
● Relevant Metadata

Including these key SEO elements will not only help with traditional Organic Google Searches, but will also assist with voice searches and predictive search. Creating content that is easy for readers to navigate allows Google to crawl the website efficiently, enhancing it in SERPs.


Every SEO strategy should include video. If you are not including video in your strategy, you need to start today! Video is projected to be one of the most used sources for content. By including video in your SEO strategy, you are strengthening your online presence. Once you create videos and post them to your YouTube Channel, it is crucial that you optimize them.
To start, assign a name and description to your video channel that best relates to the types of videos it comprises. Including keywords is best practice. When loading videos to your channel, also make sure your titles and descriptions are most representative of what they are actually about. Geotargets and keywords are most optimal here as well. In the description, you can add a link back to your website. When adding any links back to your website, it is important to create UTM tags to see where your traffic is coming from. Then include appropriate tags for the video.

Google Analytics 4

If you have been putting off creating a GA4 property for your website, now is the time to do so. GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics and will eventually be the predominant way to view traffic to your website. The internal SEO team at PCG has already started creating GA4 properties for all of our current clients. GA4 will allow you to not only collect data from your website, but also from mobile and apps as well. Since this is the future of Google Analytics it is important to start getting acclimated with it sooner rather than later. When creating a GA4 property now, you will still have the capability of using Universal Analytics alongside it. Some of the benefits that come from GA4 are understanding a visitor’s journey across multiple platforms, tracking cross-platform (website, mobile, app), real-time tracking without needing to add a code or set up events, and better integrations with other Google products.

Don’t let these SEO trends of 2022 pass you by, take advantage of them today! If you have any questions about the SEO Trends of 2022 feel free to reach out to the PCG team.

Picture of Michele Kowalski
Michele Kowalski
Michele, our Education and Development Director, is passionate about keeping our team educated within both the digital and automotive industries. Outside of PCG she loves running, going to the beach and spending time with her family and dog Tito!

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