Digital Marketing Tips for Car Dealerships | PCG Digital

Dealerships across America grapple with the challenge of bringing new customers through their doors. While it’s true that many vehicle sales take place on premises, placing and completing those sales depend largely on social media and search. For this reason, digital marketing is paramount to the success of any dealership. Check out these three tips for strengthening your dealership’s digital marketing presence and power.

Understand Your Target Audience

Many dealerships get caught up in envisioning their ideal customer, while remaining somewhat blind to the clientele they’re actually servicing. It’s important to carry out the necessary research to know exactly which demographics–from luxury car shoppers to small business owners–are walking through the dealership’s doors, as well as their goals and resources.

The most effective search and social media aligns with the appropriate messaging, timing, and various media channels that your specific target demographics are utilizing. Keep this in mind when strategizing your marketing plan with PCG Digital.

Build Your Sales Team's Brand

Although many dealerships are selling the same product, customers crave a unique purchasing experience. Encourage your sales team to create their own identity with the dealership to provide a more authentic, customized car sale experience. While car shoppers will mostly always react kindly to knowledge and expertise on behalf of your sales staff, other nuances of your sales’ team personalities can be advertised and well received, placing you and your business before others.

Adapt to Market Trends When it Comes to Media Spend

In today’s world, flexibility and adaptability are crucial elements to any type of success–financial, personal, and professional. Apply this concept to the media spend budget creation. Keep in mind that, in the automotive industry, seasonality, new model releases, and unforeseen monkey wrenches like Covid-19 could affect ROI and marketing performance in any number of positive, negative, and neutral ways. Data driven digital marketing can provide a lot of insight in this regard, as well as facilitate the anticipation of industry curveballs.

Picture of Olivia Gillespie
Olivia Gillespie
Olivia is a hilarious and extroverted Content Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for 4 things: horror films, museums, music, and cooking. She tends to spend her free time discovering new music on Spotify, making dinners for her family, getting hulky at the gym, overdosing on coffee, and watching poor quality thrillers and scary movies on multiple streaming sites.

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The specialists at PCG Digital will evaluate your dealerships SEO, SEM and Social marketing to ensure a success-driven approach

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