How To Adapt Your Car Selling Strategy | PCG Digital

Wouldn’t life be so much easier if it was 100% transparent? People would trust more, lovemore and be much more kind.

Life would just be “easy”. No doubts or hesitations. We would be able to believe almost everything we read and we would not have to rely on Google reviews to help us make decisions.

There is so much uncertainty in the world these days. Why should our car buying decisions be so difficult? 

My answer: TRUST.

One of the biggest buying decisions we make in our lives is buying a car yet, most consumers believe that it is the worst experience. Why? There are many reasons, with the biggest one being transparency and not receiving the customer service we deserve for spending thousands of dollars.

The Great American Car Shortage

Not only are we in the middle of a Global Pandemic, now we have added “The Great American Car Shortage”. What should car dealers be thinking about?

Car dealers should be thinking outside the box! Way outside. So far outside that the ones who don’t will be thrown out of the game.

There is a shortage of new vehicles. Why promote new cars on the front page of the website if you don’t have any? To get a “store-up”? This could mislead the customer, and provide a less-than pleasant buying experience. Be upfront and transparent about your inventory shortages, and you will get a lot further.

Consumers are looking for the car buying process to change, so why not take this as your chance to stand out! The dealerships that are going to be transparent and service their customers with white glove treatment, while continuing their digital marketing, with certified experts behind the wheel, are going to be the dealerships that stay on top and front of mind. 

Every dealership these days needs to be 100% transparent in our current situation and think smarter, not harder.

“The future ain’t what it used to be” -Yogi Berra

We certainly don’t have a crystal ball to see what lies ahead, but we can certainly get ahead of the game by getting in it to win it.

Digital Marketing is here to stay, my friends. If you are in the game, great, but is it done properly? Is it current? Up to date with today’s current processes? Do you have the support and reporting that you need to get an accurate ROI?

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if your content was relatable to our current markets and world events?

Well, PCG Digital is here to help.

I am excited, proud, and honored to be a Digital Marketing Sales Specialist for PCG Digital.

Former BDC Manager, Internet Manager; my past definitely paved my future.

Yoga Teacher, mom, and student of life. I am passionate about authenticity and transparency, and PCG is everything rolled into one.

PCG Digital will help you customize your digital marketing so you are 100% ready for truckloads of inventory, still searchable online, and transparent.


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If your business is looking to put a process in place for harnessing first-party data, reach out to the PCG Digital team today!

Picture of Maribeth Woodford
Maribeth Woodford
Maribeth Woodford is a Digital Sales Specialist at PCG Digital. Former BDC Manager for large auto groups. Maribeth loves to travel, spend time with her kids, practice yoga and walk her dog, Munson.

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