Why is SEO Going To Be More Important As Privacy Updates Continue? - PCG Digital

How is your website’s organic traffic performing?

If you’re not taking a deep look at the organic opportunities for your website, you may be missing out on tons of customers. SEO is one of the main ways you can help increase your organic traffic. Having a solid SEO strategy is only going to become even more important as Privacy Updates continue to roll out, including both the upcoming cookie-less update from Google and the iOS14 update’s effect on Facebook Ads.

With these new Privacy Updates, there are more limitations on how your Ad campaigns can retarget users on both Social Media and Google. Without the ability to follow users that have engaged with your business, organic search presence of your website is going to be important.

Showing up frequently on the first page of Google for relevant terms can make sure that your customers are finding your business. This is a way for you to re-engage with shoppers who may have seen your Ad campaign at the exact moment that they need your services.

Continuously working on your SEO strategy can also be a way to help your business build up your first party data, without paying for each specific lead. First party data will become even more important in Ad campaigns, as the retargeting options change with the upcoming privacy updates. The users who find your business from organic search are most often seeking out your business specifically or seeking the services you provide. Instead of you placing yourself in front of them directly, SEO can help position your business in front of these potential customers when they are in need of your services. Building up your leads and taking advantage of organic searches to your website are two important reasons to invest in SEO.

How Can This Be Leveraged For Auto Dealerships?

The first way a dealership can leverage SEO is to focus on your dealership’s Google My Business listing. Ensuring that your listing is completely up to date and easily allows users to contact your business is a way you can leverage a localized SEO strategy. If your listing has the wrong hours or wrong phone number, you are absolutely missing out on potential customers. Additionally, regularly updating your listing and taking advantage of every feature available (such as Products and Posts) is a bonus in Google’s eyes.

Taking some time to respond to reviews on Google is another way to leverage your listing. This shows Google that you are an active and engaged business, and it provides Google with a reason to serve up your business listing to users.

User Experience: On your website, it is important to offer a great user experience, both on mobile and desktop. One way to do this is ensure that your website layout is clear and provides users who find you through search with clear navigation and calls to action. First, can potentially lower the amount of users who bounce off of your site. Second, having calls to actions to take users from  your VDPs and lead them to the Contact, Price Request, or Loan Application pages and allow you to potentially capture these customers as leads.

Chat Feature: One last way to upgrade the user experience on your dealership website is to make sure your Chat feature is being answered by a live person, rather than a bot that sends automated responses. Users are more likely to chat with your business first than offer up their information right away. It also cuts down on the time they need to wait for information they are looking for. If the only way to contact your business is to fill out a form, some users may not want to wait that long for a response. They are more likely to abandon the form and leave your site. However, if they can chat with someone at your dealership and get a quick response, they may just turn into a customer!

As the Privacy Updates are implemented in many areas of your advertising campaigns, it is a good plan to invest in your SEO strategy. Check out more information on Google search updates and more Automotive digital marketing strategies here. Feel free to contact our team today to find out what we can do to assist your dealership!

Picture of Kerry Clayton
Kerry Clayton
Kerry Clayton is an SEO Specialist at PCG Digital. When she's not working on digital marketing, she enjoys reading, binging tv shows, riding her bike to the beach, and hanging out with her Goldendoodle puppy!

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