3 Ways to Use Video Marketing With Your Content - PCG Digital

PCG Digital knows that content still reigns as king, meaning the integration of video marketing can benefit your content in a major way. According to Statista, U.S. adults spend an average of nearly six hours per day on video. In other words, if your video marketing is done the right way, you’re sure to get the word out about your campaign.

Here are three ways to use video marketing with your content!


Strength in numbers is an excellent strategy, especially when trying to reach a large audience. For example, PCG Digital utilizes partnerships with LotLinx and SpinCar to help keep our content engaging and fun!

LotLinx, the auto industry’s leading VIN Demand Platform, launched VINtv in late 2020. VINtv is one of the industry’s most comprehensive and cost-effective video advertising platforms for dealer inventory. SpinCar helps bring the showroom to life online, giving car buyers the amount of trust everyone would want in such a big purchase.


A great way to encourage views on your videos is through social media. Sharing to platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter will help get eyes on your video content, and you’ll expand the set of eyes if your viewers share to their network. 

As mentioned above, people are watching a ton of videos every single day, so inte


Not only will a bright, smiling face be effective for a video thumbnail, but many people coming with questions may find it helpful to see and hear someone providing them the answers. Being on camera isn’t easy, but it could certainly be beneficial for your video marketing strategy.

Having a face or mascot to put to an idea or product has long been effective for advertising, so if you have the answers that people are clamoring for, consider speaking to them through the camera lens. Lights, camera, action!

PCG Digital is always here to help — video marketing, content, or otherwise. Stay up-to-date with all of our blogs for more tips, tricks and information.

Picture of Kevin Aquino
Kevin Aquino
Kevin is a Content Specialist. He graduated from Rutgers University with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies. Kevin is always looking for new and innovative ways to improve his writing and expand his skillset at PCG Digital. As a die-hard Brooklyn Nets fan, you can catch him playing, watching, or talking about basketball.

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