Digital Marketing in the Age of Inventory Shortages & More | PCG Digital

Elevating Online Presence

During these unsure times of Covid-19, chip shortages, recalls, and overall inventory issues, I have been noticing a strong shift of conversations behind each month’s reporting and strategy calls at PCG Digital. Our sole goal is not just to help dealers sell more cars, but also to elevate their online presence to be superior to their competitors, to capture low funnel audiences, and to expand their market reach beyond their backyards. With our client teams, which include SEO, PPC, Social, and Content specialists – we ensure that each of our dealers keep up with new consumer demands and the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing.


We must adapt to the current climate or get left behind. Here’s a few examples of how our team has collaborated with clients to overcome current challenges: 

In one instance I had a dealer with very few cars in stock due to the dreaded inventory shortages. Together, with our team of specialists, we decided to optimize their website and paid campaigns for trade leads. We suggested communicating “Cash for Trade,” “More for Trade,” “We’ll Buy From You, Even If You Don’t Buy From Us,” and “Sell My Car” messaging across all online channels.

Conversion Optimization

Other conversations have pertained to evaluating and measuring success in a time where benchmarks are hard to come by. Last year vs this year is like comparing apples to oranges. Per Brian Pasch’s last research report, we’ve increasingly been talking about conversions.  Conversion optimization is so so important. Our team recommends continuously A/B testing CTAs and placements. It’s essential to inspect optimization rates for forms and mobile calls and to see if  service calls are going to service and sales calls are going to sales. Do your campaign dollars achieve the goals set forth? Are you able to convert engaged shoppers? Every part of the lead handling process is crucial to success. Our team can help take a look at this data and unearth these issues to help find long term solutions so that customers have a smooth online to in-store experience.


Speaking of which, some of our clients are struggling with customers’ hesitancy to return to in-person shopping. Understandably, users want the ability to talk to a person who will quickly answer all of their car buying or fixed-ops questions without risking their health. So, we brainstormed chat and text options. Digital retailing tools were also part of the conversations. People want to be able to calculate their payments and get a ballpark of how much they’ll be spending. Ultimately, dealers will have to follow Tesla and Carvana’s lead in the full online experience to truly keep up.

We encourage our clients to understand that technology will always change and end users will always gravitate toward new and more efficient ways to do business. 

To keep up, contact the PCG Digital team. Let us help you find ways to remain relevant online regardless of whatever challenges may come your way.

Picture of Audrey Gaston
Audrey Gaston
Audrey Gaston is one of our Client Account Managers. When she's not speaking to clients, she's obsessing over her dog and getting acquainted with the Colorado outdoors as much as possible. Although a Chicago city girl at heart, she tries to be a mountain girl as much as possible (still need to get a Subaru though...)

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