Social Advertising KPIs Explained | Engagement vs. Conversions and more

Engagement and Conversions Explained

Engagement and conversions might be different measurements, but both can play an important role in measuring a brand’s social advertising success. Engagement measures how users interact with a brand’s content, while conversions measures the success of social engagement. Engagement includes, but is not limited to, when a user likes, shares, comments on content. Conversions are when a user takes the brand’s desired action from content, like clicking a link, or taking a specific action on a web page. 

When advertising on Facebook, there are different options for campaign objectives, each having primary KPI’s used to measure their success.

Campaign Objectives

These options include: 

  • Brand awareness with a estimated ad recall lift primary KPI
  • Traffic with a link click/landing page view primary KPIs
  • Catalog sales with a view content primary KPI, 
  • Video with a video views primary KPI
  • Lead generation with a lead count primary KPI.

In order to choose a campaign objective, the brand first needs to determine what conversion they would like to measure. For example, if a dealer would like to measure traffic to a specific landing page from their Facebook ad, they would choose the traffic campaign objective. Choosing this objective will tell Facebook’s algorithm to put this ad in front of users who are most likely to visit and engage with the destination URL of the campaign. Because of this, the primary success metric to a traffic campaign should almost always be landing page views.

Choosing Campaign Objectives

It is imperative to choose the correct campaign objective and optimization event. If a brand wants to take users to a landing page, it would not make sense to measure reach and optimize to reach more people, rather the brand would want to measure landing page views or link clicks and optimize to one of those, instead.

As previously mentioned, although high engagement is always desirable, hard conversions are where a brand is really going to measure their success, and is also the most important step needed to take is defining the brand’s goal, and choosing the appropriate campaign objective. Some objectives are engagement driven and some are hard conversion driven, but both are important to incorporate into a paid social strategy in order to drive potentially qualified shoppers through the social sales funnel.

If you have any questions about engagement or conversions, or any other aspect of your brands digital marketing, contact the PCG Digital team today!

Picture of Sarah Knipe
Sarah Knipe
Sarah is a Social Media Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for the digital world and keeping up on the latest trends on all social media platforms. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, relaxing on the beach, or traveling and seeing new places.

Engagement and Conversions Explained

Engagement and conversions might be different measurements, but both can play an important role in measuring a brand’s social advertising success. Engagement measures how users interact with a brand’s content, while conversions measures the success of social engagement. Engagement includes, but is not limited to, when a user likes, shares, comments on content. Conversions are when a user takes the brand’s desired action from content, like clicking a link, or taking a specific action on a web page. 

Campaign Objectives

These options include: 

  • Brand awareness with a estimated ad recall lift primary KPI
  • Traffic with a link click/landing page view primary KPIs
  • Catalog sales with a view content primary KPI, 
  • Video with a video views primary KPI
  • Lead generation with a lead count primary KPI.

In order to choose a campaign objective, the brand first needs to determine what conversion they would like to measure. For example, if a dealer would like to measure traffic to a specific landing page from their Facebook ad, they would choose the traffic campaign objective. Choosing this objective will tell Facebook’s algorithm to put this ad in front of users who are most likely to visit and engage with the destination URL of the campaign. Because of this, the primary success metric to a traffic campaign should almost always be landing page views.

Choosing Campaign Objectives

It is imperative to choose the correct campaign objective and optimization event. If a brand wants to take users to a landing page, it would not make sense to measure reach and optimize to reach more people, rather the brand would want to measure landing page views or link clicks and optimize to one of those, instead.

As previously mentioned, although high engagement is always desirable, hard conversions are where a brand is really going to measure their success, and is also the most important step needed to take is defining the brand’s goal, and choosing the appropriate campaign objective. Some objectives are engagement driven and some are hard conversion driven, but both are important to incorporate into a paid social strategy in order to drive potentially qualified shoppers through the social sales funnel.

Run Paid Social Advertising Campaigns with PCG Digital

We take the time to work with you and understand your dealership’s brand voice. PCG Digital services include mobile-first social media marketing and custom graphics to assist with creating paid social media campaigns. Contact the PCG Digital team today if you have any questions about engagement or conversions or would like our social media experts to audit your digital marketing strategies for free.

Picture of Sarah Knipe
Sarah Knipe
Sarah is a Social Media Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for the digital world and keeping up on the latest trends on all social media platforms. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, relaxing on the beach, or traveling and seeing new places.

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