How to Navigate Acquisition Reports in GA4 | PCG Digital

Have you set up GA4 for your website yet? If not, it should be a top priority. By the time the switch happens next July, you will already have over a year’s worth of historical data collected. If you do have GA4 set up already, I am going to take you through how to navigate the acquisition reports section within it. The acquisition reports section will show where new and returning users are coming from.

Hover over the far left menu sidebar until it opens, and then select Configure, it’s located at the bottom. By default you should already be on the Events screen, which is where you want to be.

Google Analytics Acquisition Overview

The first section within the acquisition report is Acquisition Overview. This overview summarizes all of your acquisition data. It helps identify where your users are coming from, allowing you to see users and new users, users by country, new users by default channel grouping, sessions by default channel group, sessions by Google Ads Campaign, and Lifetime Value. Each one of these cards can be customized, but it also comes with a standard default in each section.

Google Analytics First User Default Channel Grouping

User Acquisition

Next is the User Acquisition section, which shows you how the user first visited your website. For example, A user first visited your website in February and you’re looking at the May report date. If the user is still active in May, you will be able to see in the data how the user was first acquired in February.

Google Analytics User Acquisition

Just like the acquisition overview, you are able to change from the first user default channeling. Some of the other options you can change to are first user medium, first user source, and first user campaign. This allows you to change how you view user acquisition.

Traffic Acquisition

The last section of the acquisition report is Traffic Acquisition. This displays the sessions of both new and returning users. In this report, you are able to break down your sessions by session default channel group, session medium, session source, session source platform, and session campaign.

Google Analytics Traffic acquisition

All the sections in the acquisition report are a great way to see how many users found your website through Google Search. If you are interested in learning more about GA4 or need assistance setting it up, please contact the PCG Team today!

Picture of Michele Kowalski
Michele Kowalski
Michele, our Education and Development Director, is passionate about keeping our team educated within both the digital and automotive industries. Outside of PCG she loves running, going to the beach and spending time with her family and dog Tito!

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