Are Your Ads Ready For GA4 | PCG Digital

It’s perfectly natural to be resistant to change. Once we become comfortable with a set routine, we tend to grow accustomed to these procedures and form habits. Unfortunately, the world is volatile and ever-changing, and we must keep up with innovations.

Back in March of this year, Google announced they were planning on sunsetting Universal Analytics in favor of global adoption of the Google Analytics 4 platform.

Google is no stranger to innovation and change, and we have often swept along for the ride, ensuring we adapt to the new consumer landscapes in a cookieless and privacy-centric world. While some may be reluctant to migrate their accounts, there are reasons to switch before the deadline in July of 2023 that can be beneficial for your Google Ads account.

Why You Should Migrate to GA4 Now


Since this is a new platform for many, there will no doubt be issues that will need to be fixed while migrating from UA to GA4. Giving yourself time to troubleshoot problems will allow you to properly track and set up GA4 goals and tracking before the deadline. This way, even if your GA4 account is not gathering data accordingly, you still have your UA account working as a backup until you resolve those issues.

Historical Data

Another reason to give yourself more time with the migration process involves historical data. UA and GA4 are structured differently, meaning your UA data cannot be imported into GA4, creating a blank slate.

Due to this, if you were to wait until July 2023 to switch over to GA4 for your Google Ads campaigns, your performance may be in jeopardy. Automated bid strategies rely heavily on learning and utilizing an account’s historical data – if you don’t give your ads time to learn when UA is still available, then expect a few bumps in the road.

Learn More About Setting Up Google Analytics 4 with PCG Digital

Change can be scary. When it comes to something as big as migrating your site’s analytics, it’s downright terrifying. PCG Digital can help ensure that the switch is seamless and organized so you can get back your peace of mind.


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