Importance of a Full Funnel Strategy For RV | PCG Digital

When it comes to marketing, it is important to implement a full-funnel strategy that incorporates different messages tailored to consumers based on where they are in their customer journey. Utilizing a sales funnel approach draws in prospective customers in hopes of building desire for your brand and generating quality leads.

There are 3 stages to full funnel marketing:

  • Top Funnel: Awareness
    • In this stage of the funnel, you are building your brand and creating awareness for consumers that may not know who you are. At this stage, you are attracting consumers to your brand and educating consumers. Top funnel campaigns include brand awareness and reach campaigns with the goal of getting your name out there to as many people as possible and to be remembered.
  • Mid-Funnel: Consideration
    • At this stage of the funnel, consumers have been exposed to your branding campaigns but now need to be convinced that you are the business to shop with., Here is where you’ll really build the desire for your brand and what you’re offering. At this point of the funnel, you should be measuring your campaigns by how much traffic you’re getting to your website, messages you’re receiving on social channels, and leads you are generating. . Campaigns at this stage of the funnel include traffic to website campaigns, lead generation campaigns, and On-Platform social destination strategies.
  • Bottom Funnel: Conversion
    • At this stage of the funnel, consumers know your brand, they show a need for your brand, and are hopefully ready to take that leap and make the purchase. Bottom funnel campaigns promote sales and generate hard conversions

Now, why is it so important for RV dealers to follow a full-funnel strategy? No matter the industry you’re in, it’s very important to follow this strategy! Specific to RV dealers, it is important because not many people really know much about RVS- whether it be the basics or not. Whether someone is looking to buy an RV, a motor-home, or even a 5th wheel- these are all big purchases, maybe even one-time purchases. People don’t buy and sell RVs as often as they do cars and trucks. That being said, it is crucial for RV dealers to get people to their lot and make those sales!

It’s important for RV dealers to get in front of their prospective customers against their competition, and it’s no secret that social media advertising is a great tool to do that. By utilizing the full-funnel strategy in your social media advertising, you are able to keep your brand top of mind. We recommend running campaigns for each of the funnel stages at all times to ensure that there is a constant flow of consumers being brought into the funnel, the desire building, and sales generating stages- it’s a cycle!

I know for me personally- I wouldn’t have known any brands or types of RVs until I was educated on them- and I have to say they’re super cool! We want others to think your brand is super cool, too. To really build that awareness and desire, I recommend utilizing video campaigns for top funnel and mid-funnel campaigns. It is proven that users will engage more with a video than a static single image. This is a great way to show your brand voice and showcase what makes you unique. Middle funnel and bottom funnel campaigns are a great place to showcase your available inventory and encourage users click-through to complete an action to make that sale.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to a social media specialist here at PCG Digital, today!

Picture of Sarah Knipe
Sarah Knipe
Sarah is a Social Media Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for the digital world and keeping up on the latest trends on all social media platforms. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, relaxing on the beach, or traveling and seeing new places.

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