SEO for RV Dealers in 2022 | PCG Digital

In 2022, if you’ve got a website set up for your business without any sort of SEO strategy in place, you’re leaving website traffic (and potential sales!) on the table.

In the automotive and RV industry in particular, inventory shortages, inflation, and other external factors are all currently making things incredibly unpredictable and ambiguous for dealers around the country.

That’s why it’s more important than ever before to maximize your digital marketing efforts and capitalize on any and all website traffic you can bring in right now.

But First: What is SEO?

In case you’re brand new to the world of Search Engine Optimization, let’s back up and first define what SEO is.

Definition: SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the continued process of improving your website’s overall reach and visibility on search engines like Google.

This encompasses both on-site efforts, like optimizing metadata, creating SEO blog posts, and building internal linking structures, as well as off-site efforts, like fully optimizing your business’s Google Business Profile and other online directories.

(Not sure where to start when it comes to SEO for your business? Check out our Ultimate On-Site SEO Checklist for Websites that covers all of the need-to-know essentials.)

What Does SEO Do For an RV Dealer?

What happens when a customer in your immediate area types in “RV Dealer Near Me” or “RV Service Near Me” on Google? Does your business show up in the results?

If the answer is no— that’s where RV SEO comes in.

SEO can help RV dealerships in all of the same ways that it can help car dealers or any other type of business. Through a combination of local, on-site, and off-site strategies, SEO can help RV dealers rank higher and more often in search for all of the different keywords and phrases customers are typing into Google before, during and after the buying process.

A Few Common RV SEO Strategies Can Include:

  • Fully optimizing your dealership’s Google Business Profile
  • Effectively optimizing your website’s title tags and meta descriptions
  • Optimizing other key on-site SEO elements like H1s/H2s, anchor text, etc.
  • Managing other off-site listings and directories like Yelp, Apple Maps, etc.
  • Creating SEO-focused content for your website
  • Leveraging other top SEO trends as they’re introduced
  • And more!

Using these strategies (among others) to rank higher and more frequently in organic search for your target keywords can help increase the number of people that visit your website. Increased website traffic means more opportunities for RV dealers to convert these users into customers!

Accelerate Your Digital Marketing With RV SEO

To learn more about PCG Digital’s RV-specific SEO strategies or how our team can help you manage all aspects of your website’s SEO, contact us today!

Picture of Emily Malkowski
Emily Malkowski
Emily is an SEO Specialist at PCG Digital with a passion for all of the fascinating ways that SEO and content intersect. She enjoys reading, writing, traveling, and cheering on the Buffalo Bills!

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